Mujahedin Khalq Organization as a terrorist group

MKO an internationally known terrorist group

MKO is referred to as a cult 88 times in this report. It is stated in the report ‘an examination of MKO activities establishes its cultic practices and its deceptive recruitment and public relations strategies.’ Elsewhere in the same document it is stated: ‘Rajavi instituted what he termed an “ideological revolution” in 1985, which, over time, imbued the MKO with many of the typical characteristics of a cult, such as authoritarian control, confiscation of assets, sexual control (including mandatory divorce and celibacy),

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The MEK, Democrats or Terrorcrats?

Criticism in the MKO is unheard-of. While the group first founders started out with the rather good intentions, its current leaders Massoud and Maryam rajavi have definitely lost sight of the early presumable goals – the freedom of Iranian people, freedom of speech…. .In the face of any sort of criticism the MKO leaders and members – well manipulated – immediately respond with the same threadbare accusations that….

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The Threat of Tamerlans Trained in the MEK

Massoud Banisadr former member of the MKO speaks of the effective cult indoctrinations on members. In his interview with Steve Hassan, a cult expert explains that how a cult member can simply be radicalized to set himself on fire – as the MKO members did in June 2003 – and launch terror acts. He asserts that the MKO trained the first women suicide operators….

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MKO authorizes use of violence against rank and files

Assassination of Javad Saeidi in autumn 1973 by the so called Muslim leadership of the MKO and assassination of Sharif Vaqefi in spring 1975 by the Marxist leadership of the cult are no different in their natures. Both of these assassinations have taken place as a result of the cult’s belief in Stalinism and physical removal. From the MKO’s point of view, not only such assassinations can’t be blamed, but also they are done to

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MEK operatives attack Iranian reporter in Rome

…. the reporter was attacked and insulted by apparently an MKO member and received a death threat when he wanted to parkhis car near his office in Rome. The attacker, who had chased the IRIB reporter, neared his car and insulted him and then attacked him to stop the reporter from calling the Italian police. The MKO, founded in the 1960s, blended elements of Islamism and Stalinism and …

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MKO’s online fundraising; an approach to money laundering

This seems to be a notable act since MKO’s traditional approaches of fundraising in the European countries still stand on place. These fundraisings are usually undertaken under the cover of charity works and titled as “social-financial” activities. The group’s TV channel also launches programs named “collaboration” to achieve the same goal.

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MKO not able to whitewash its bloody history- Part2

The bomb used to explode Islamic Republic Party office was made of “Compressed Gas’ that had been previously invented by the United States but the Soviet Union had also achieve the technology shortly after the US. Immediately after the explosion the Soviet Union accused the US of committing the terror act because it wanted to convince the world that only the US had had the technology.

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Suppression of Kurds, MKO Crime against Humanity

Besides many documentaries and confessions of the eye-witnesses, the Department of State in a 1992 report has clearly stated that “The NLA’s last major offensive reportedly was conducted against Iraqi Kurds in 1991, when it joined Saddam Hussein’s brutal repression of the Kurdish rebellion”.

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We witnessed the massacre of Kurds by MKO

In 1991 we witnessed the biggest co-operation between the leaders of the Mojahedin Khalq, Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, with the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein. In a time that the Kurdish people had the chance of taking advantage of the weakness of the suppressive apparatus of Saddam. In that year when the military machine of Saddam Hussein had been severely weakened by the American forces…

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Journalist Condemns MKO for Inflicting Irreparable Damage on Muslim Community

An Algerian journalist said the crimes of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, NCR and PMOI) will not fade away from the memories of the Iranian nation, Muslims and the Arab world…should the Iranian nation not take a legal action against them, as their crimes were not only against the Iranian people, but against the Muslim Ummah.”..

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