Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

Letter of the families of the members of MEK in Albania to the UNHCR and the Albanian Interior Ministry

We, the families, are certain that our children are under severe mind manipulation and brainwashing and therefore have no free will at all. Since their youth when they were first recruited they have been denied any form of contact with the outside world. After decades of this treatment they have lost all their hope for, even knowledge of, a normal life…

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My Son will Come Back

Ms. Shahi is the suffering mother of Abbas Shahi. Abbas is taken hostage by the Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI now for years.The aged mother says:” we raised our children with difficulty and adversity. Rajavi deceived them. Rajavi will have no good future. I am sure that my dear son will come back to me …”

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Parents met their child in Albania, defect the MKO Cult

Among these couples were Ameneh Haqiqat and Akbar Rabiei who joined the MKO/MEK/PMOI group in mid 1980s along with their young child…Ms. Haqiqat’s brother says:” my head whistled when I hear that the ‘family’ is disintegrated within this horrible cult. My head whistled when I heard that my little niece left far from parental love…”

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