Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

Mr. Balaei: We are ready to travel to Albania

Balaei family have two sons in the hands of the MKO Cult ruthless leaders. Kiumars was deceived by the Cult recruiters into joining the group in 1980s. Mehraban, the other brother joined the group while he was a POW of Iran- Iraq war. Actually he joined the group to flee the painful situation of Baath prisons.Balaei family are members of Nejat Society…

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Mothers, Most Powerful Army to Fight Maryam Rajavi

This explains why Maryam Rajavi is terrified – and I mean really terrified – by the families who visit Camp Liberty. Rajavi is holding their loved ones hostage and she knows that if her victims have any contact with their families that will trigger an emotional response in their authentic self.

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Hundreds of MKO hostages families at Camp Liberty gate

200 people picketed in front of Camp Liberty, Baghdad, asking for visiting their loved ones in the camp.Families of Liberty residents gathered in front of the camp gates for the sixth time, yesterday afternoon.Picketing families are from various provinces from all over Iran. According to the authorities, about a hundred more are seeking to obtain Iraqi visa to join the campaign.

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Sixth effort of families to visit hostages in the MKO Camp

Picketing families are from various provinces from all over Iran. According to the authorities, about a hundred more are seeking to obtain Iraqi visa to join the campaign. This has been the biggest campaign run by families in order to release individuals who are taken as hostages by the Mujahedin Khalq Organization( the MKO/the Cult of Rajavi), although the security situation of Iraq…

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Pictorial – The forgotten victims of MKO Cult

Mr. Fereydoun Oghbaei was in Netherlands when the MKO/MEK/PMOI agents tricked him into joining the group.Oghbaei family had a short visit with Fereydoun at Camp Ashraf in 2002. There they witnessed the closed, Cult-like condition ruling the Camp. So they have had done their utmost efforts to liberate their beloved son from the Cult of MKO.

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