Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

Pictorial – The forgotten victims of MKO Cult

Mr. Fereydoun Oghbaei was in Netherlands when the MKO/MEK/PMOI agents tricked him into joining the group.Oghbaei family had a short visit with Fereydoun at Camp Ashraf in 2002. There they witnessed the closed, Cult-like condition ruling the Camp. So they have had done their utmost efforts to liberate their beloved son from the Cult of MKO.

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My son is enslaved at MKO Camps now for 26 years

This is Zomorrod Amini, mother of Gholam Reza Shakouri, whose son has been taken hostage at Camp Liberty[MKO/MEK/PMOI Camp in Iraq) in Iraq since 26 years ago… A camp that, unlike its name, has caused years of separation between me and my son. I do not know how to express myself so you would understand what I am undergoing!

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MKO leader victimized my dear brother

Ms. Meschian’s brother was held hostage by the Mujahedin-e Khalq Cult when he was killed during the rocket attack to Camp Liberty, Iraq…The MKO Cult leaders also consistently refused to allow members to leave Iraq and take refuge in third countries. United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross..

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