Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

My father is a captive of Mojahedin-e Khalq Cult

Her eyes fill with tears when she talks about her father. 35 years has passed, she still is awaiting the return of her father.She looks out for at least a news of her father’s well-being. She awaits her father’s release from the bars of MKO Cult.Ms. Fatemeh Alimirzaei was a little girl when the Rajavi’s mercenaries tricked her father, Reza….

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Iraqi Newspaper on families of MKO hostages

Following the recent trip of the third group of Liberty residents’ families to Iraq, the Iraqi mass media widely covered the news of the event.Iraqi newspapers and websites published reports on grieves of families of residents, who are not allowed to visit their loved ones taken as hostages by leaders of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/the cult of Rajavi)…

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Pictorial- Suffering families of MKO hostages at Camp Liberty gate

Their only demand is to have the right to visit their loved ones. They ask human rights bodies :” why is it that 12 years after the fall of Saddam Hussein (the benefactor of fugitive terrorist leader Massoud Rajavi), there is still no sign that the terrorists’ camp will close and the residents held hostage by the MEK leaders will be rescued and taken to safety.”

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Families of Liberty Residents at the Doors

On Friday November 20th, another group of families of residents of Camp Liberty – taken as hostages by the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) picketed in front of the camp in an effort to get news about their loved ones there.These families demand the local authorities of the UNHCR to aid them …

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My brother is now one step away to freedom

Majid Rajabi Shahrestani immigrated to Turkey in 2001, seeking better employment and more comfortable life. Unfortunately, in Turkey he was trapped by the Rajavis’ agents. They fraudulently promised him to solve his legal problems and help him get residency of a European country but instead sent him to Iraq, Camp Ashraf…

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