Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

MKO Cult efforts to extract money from the suffering families of Cult hostages

After this was exposed, some families have answered phone calls by their relatives by saying “yes, we’ll give money, but only if we can see you and give it to you directly. We are not rich enough to pay for John Bolton or Rudi Giuliani to make speeches in Paris!”The Farsi Commentariat has reacted with disgust that families who only want a visit after thirty years …

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Ouver’s citizens sympathize with the MKO hostages families

Mr. Ghorbanali Hosseinnezhad the father of Zeinab Hossein Nejad and Mostafa Mohammadi the father of Somayeh Mohammadi and her sister Hurieh, went to the town hall of Auver Sur Oise to submit a letter of appreciation to the mayor Isabelle Meziere who welcomed the two families of the girls who are taken as hostages by the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO)…

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Families’ approaching Camp Liberty was covered in the Iraqi media

Kul al Akhbar Newspaper writes:”Some Iraqi civil societies as well as families of the Iranians captured inside Camp Liberty in Baghdad by the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization demanded visiting their loved ones. These societies urged the Iraqi government, based on human dignity, to arrange meetings between the families and their children who are captives inside the cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI ]for many years….

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Facebook account for liberty residents! An outrageous lie

Families of the residents of Camp Liberty who had picketed behind the gate of the Camp probing the visit of their loved, did not succeed to meet them during the due time that they were allowed to picket by the UN officials. The leaders of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) claim that all Liberty residents have Facebook accounts with real IDs

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Families of MKO hostages visit mayor of Auver Sur d’Oise

Expressing solidarity with the families of MKO hostages, the Mayor of Auver said:” …We don’t want them [Maryam Rajavi’s Cult] to stay in our city… they try to pay some of the cities’ personalities and officials to be at the Cult’s service. … However we would ask them to come and reply your appeals and questions on the fate of your children. .. Here is a democratic state and ..

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