Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

Suffering fathers of MKO hostages to denounce the Cult

Mr. Mustafa Mohammadi former activist and sympathizer of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization and Mr. Ghorbanali Hossein Nezhad former high-ranking member and interpreter of the group, went to Auver Sur d’Oise in the suburb of Paris where the European base of the MKO is located. Both men have daughters taken as hostages by the MKO leaders in Camp Liberty, Iraq.

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Fathers of two MKO hostages to denounce the cult

Citizens of Auver Sur d’Oise welcomed the two suffering fathers. They offered sympathy to them. Some of them had witnessed Mr. Mohammadi and his other daughter being beaten by the MKO henchmen a few weeks earlier in Auver Sur d’Oise near the MKO headquarters. They praised him for his courage and resistance.

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