Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

Families of MEK hostages in Camp Liberty June 2015

Iran Interlink reporting from Baghdad. Video shows families of Camp Liberty residents demanding meetings with their loved ones. MEK/MKO/PMOI leaders are holding them hostage. MEK leader Massoud Rajavi has reacted hysterically claiming the families shown in the film have come to destroy the camp and …

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Nejat families letter to António Guterres

We totally support the evacuation of Camp Liberty and transfer of the residents from Iraq where they are under the threat because of terrorist attacks and sectarian conflicts. We support the Camp Liberty residents’ transfer to other countries, especially the ailing or injured ones and those who…

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Families demanding, relocate the bodies to Iran

Sources close to the families of foot MEK say that they are demanding the return of bodies and remaining of the group members into Iran. Ex MEK members believe that some 100 bodies are left Inside the camp in its graveyard and elsewhere. This is the first time that MEK family members who have lost a loved one in Iraq are …

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