Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

Families of MKO hostages, more hopeful than ever

The consequences of de-proscribing the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) by the US State Department, had become the top priority of his cult, have been discussed and analyzed in various ways..But as far as the suffering families of the members of the MKO are concerned, who have no request except to visit their loved ones and be sure about their physical and mental wellbeing, this development gives them fresh hope. Perhaps …

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Rajavi is not their representative, he is the problem

The truth is that Massoud Rajavi still insists that only he can talk on behalf of all the MEK victims and hostages. Yet, all those who managed to escape from both Ashraf and Liberty admit that they had no idea about the outside world and they were afraid of everything outside the organization and so accepted every possible risk when they decided to flee…

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Letters of the Iranian families of MKO victims in Iraq

1. We wish to visit our loved ones immediately in Camp Liberty in order to make sure about their circumstances. 2. We support your efforts as well as the Iraqi Government to separate the rank and file from the leaders of the MKO and we demand for the recognition of their asylum states as individuals rather than as an organization. 3. We also request to have a meeting with your representative in Baghdad in order to explain our suggestions and requests..

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Warning: MKO to overshadow families’ gathering

Regarding the deadline announced for its expulsion from Iraq, the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization/MKO/PMOI finds no way to prolong its stay in Iraq although it enjoys the support of US and European sponsors and it makes too many efforts in the international community. The most disastrous problem the MKO faces now is the demand of families picketing in front of Ashraf gates.

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Pictorial- Few meters away, unable to meet

The Iranian families said they have come thousands of kilometers to see their relatives, and now they are few meters away and are unable to meet them. According to reports by Iraqi NGOs and the defected MKO members, the group’s members inside the camps have been living in dire conditions and deprived of their basic rights.

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The achievements of two years of families picketing

Today it is clear to everyone that the leaders of the Rajavi cult aka MKO/MEK/PMOI like all similar cults anywhere in the world which use destructive mind control methods do not see themselves bound by their words or their signatures. It is now clear that they are more than anything else afraid that their forces (hostages) would run away during this transfer. Sooner or later, Rajavi will have to give up Ashraf garrison – which is situated on land illegally ..

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