Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

The courageous that need encouragement

… But how can they be called humans and protectors of the human rights and freedom those who see these scenes and are deaf to the purest humane demands. The organization’s advocates have raised concern about the US departure from the area and the camp and that, it might lead to a humanitarian catastrophe….

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Families need assistance to stop victimization of their children

… The families’ persistence appears to have had its effects on the residents as well. What the organization and its advocates call a Psychological warfare employed against MKO/MEK/PMOI sounds to have acted as a waking bell that has already frustrated the overriding cult influences that has developed a family-phobia in members. The increased number of escapes since the settlement of the families indicates …

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Families of Mojahedin Khalq captives at gates of Camp Ashraf remain cheerful

… The families are cheerful and optimistic. They are being encouraged and facilitated by the Iraqi authorities, who also want the Mojahedin to comply with demands of the Iraqi Government. The Mojahedin have accused these families of being ‘agents of the Iranian Intelligence Ministry’ who have come to kill them. Rajavi has indoctrinated his followers with fear and loathing of their own mothers and fathers …

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Picketing families in front of Camp Ashraf appeal to the Red Cross

… Do you know that many of these captives are POWs from the time of Iran-Iraq war who have been literally sold by Saddam to this organisation? Do you know that many of these captives have been deceived and brought against their will to this Dark Ages garrison? Do you know what has happened to the innocent children in this organisation when they forced them to leave their parents and have been brought up in other countries and now have been transferred back to the camp? Do you know …

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Al adala reports on appeal of families at Camp Ashraf

… Iranian families who have been picketing in front of the military base Ashraf – home to the Mojahedin Khalq organisation in Diyala province – for the last 4 months, asked Christopher Hill, the US ambassador in Baghdad, for his help in negotiating with the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation (aka Rajavi cult, MEK, MKO, PMOI, NCRI) to give visiting rights to the detainees in Camp Ashraf …

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Iraqi media reports on appeal of families at Camp Ashraf

… Iranian families who have been picketing in front of the military base Ashraf – home to the Mojahedin Khalq organisation in Diyala province – for the last 4 months, asked Christopher Hill, the US ambassador in Baghdad, for his help in negotiating with the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation (aka Rajavi cult, MEK, MKO, PMOI, NCRI) to give visiting rights to the detainees in Camp Ashraf …

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Iranian families demand Ambassador Hill helps them meet their detained children

… Iranian families, who travelled from Iran and other countries four months ago to sit in front of the headquarters of the Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq[MKO/MEK/PMOI] in Diyala province (Camp Ashraf), called on the United States Ambassador in Iraq, Christopher Hill, to intervene and put pressure on the organization’s leaders to end their suffering and allow them to meet with their children..

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Families lobby for PMOI visitation rights

The PMOI family members say their relatives are held captive in Camp Ashraf, adding if Washington can broker an agreement with Iran, similar arrangements are possible with the PMOI[MKO/MEK].”If America can negotiate this with Iran, we certainly expect that you can negotiate with this small terrorist group so that its members can meet freely with their families,”the families said…

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