Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

Families of MEK Victims Want Same Visiting Rights as U.S. Detainee Families

… Urging Mr. Hill to intervene on their behalf with the leaders of the MEK the families said,”Your government successfully arranged for the mothers of U.S. detainees in Iran to visit their children on compassionate grounds But, if America can negotiate this with Iran, we certainly expect that you can negotiate with this small terrorist group so that its members can meet freely with their families”…

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Ancient Iran Association Letter to Human Rights Watch

… instead of meeting their loved ones , they have been insulted and slandered by the cult’s operatives since their arrival .These families despite of bad weather and the lack of accommodation , are persisting to see their relatives . Despite of their age and bad weather , they are very determined to find a solution to see their loved ones …

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Support for parents who have not seen their children for long

… The leaders of the Mujahedin-sect have always forbidden every form of contact between members and family. Their members are kept in total isolation and it’s not allowed to have any contact outside the camp. Members who want to leave this sect are withhold by the leaders. Up to now it has never been possible for their families to come near the camp of the armed Mujahedin. But after the fall of Saddam Hoessein the situation of Ahsraf changed …

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Freedom of prisoners in Camp Ashraf is our ultimate goal

(Families of victims of Mojahedin Khalq/MKO/MEK/ Rajavi cult/ Announcement No.4)… The Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) has increased its suppression of the captives by increasing the number of patrols, increasing the thickness of barbed-wire fences and many other desperate measures. The last part of this scenario has of course been the forced TV interviews, clearly made under severe threat and physical and psychological pressure …

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Families have kept their vigil before the gates of Camp Ashraf for over 70 days

(Families of victims of Mojahedin Khalq/MKO/MEK/ Rajavi cult/ Announcement No.2) ..Why is it that whenever the existence of the leaders of Mojahedin Khalq is under threat, some unfortunate people have to burn themselves on their command to save the skin of these leaders? Is it not the case that the lives of the people inside this camp are only valuable in that whenever Massoud Rajavi feels the need, he can send some of them to their deaths? …

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Rajavi forces our children to sign his lies to UNAMI

(Families of victims of Mojahedin Khalq/MKO/MEK/ Rajavi cult/ Announcement No.3)… What danger could the old men and women, who only want to see their children, pose to anyone. What the MKO/MEK/PMOI cult leaders really mean is the danger they pose to the very existence of the cult’s rules and regulations which they are imposing on our children. Rajavi is clearly shaking with the thought …

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Nejat Families at Ashraf Gates

Another group of MKO members’ families who were mobilized by Nejat Society Khuzestan branch traveled to Iraq where they are hopeful to visit their beloved ones captured by Rajavi’s destructive cult. A number of families have already gone to Ashraf gates since two months ago, but they were prevented from visiting their children by MKO authorities.

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America, are you listening?

… Iraqi media and local dignitaries visit families outside Camp New Iraq (Ashraf) where Washington-backed terrorist group, Mojahedin-e Khalq are holding 3500 people hostage. Human Rights groups say Rajavi refuses to allow family visits in the camp. The video shows Hoorieh Mohammadi from Canada asking Americans and the MKO for compassion…

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