Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

American Army charge on families in a joint operation with MKO terrorists

… The Americans were accompanied by three MKO/MEK/PMOI personnel who acted as translators and who hid their faces so they would not be recognized. Iraqi officers at the camp said they will not take action now but the role of the Americans in this situation has been noted. The Iraqi’s have assured the families that if the intimidation becomes more invasive, they will certainly step in to protect them …

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PMOI denied families meetings with their captured children in Ashraf

… The Iraqi government continued throughout the last month to convince them of the need to deal with this situation in a humane and approved way to allow meeting between Iranian families and their children[captured by MKO/MEK/PMOI within Ashraf Base], and not to accept false statements and counterfeit, which accuses the Iraqi government of violating human rights laws. The failed negotiations have resulted in the …

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In solidarity with the MKO Cult’s victims families

… The Ancient Iran , Glorious Future Association based on its humane task urge and entreat of all humanitarian organizations and Iranian freedom lovers as well as the critics and separated members of this cult for their solidarity with those sad families who have been in sit- in for days behind the closed gates of Ashraf Garrison …

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Families urge President Talebani helping them visit their children

.. We urge your good self, while condemning the anti-humane actions of Massoud Rajavi, to order the facilitation of free meetings between ourselves and our children … We have gathered from different places such as Iran, Canada, … in the land of Iraq to visit our loved ones. During the last two weeks of our stay here, the leaders of this organisation have refused our demand to meet our families on the direct order of Massoud Rajavi..

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