Mujahedin Khalq Organization members’ families

MKO members escaped Ashraf and joined families’ picket

… According to media reports from Baghdad two members of the Mojahedin were able to break away from the Rajavi cult and join the families in their picket outside the camp. Mr. Seyed Yousef Jafari from Ahwaz and Mr. Abdolghader Ostadi from Iranshahr spoke to reporters about their own ordeal as long-term captives inside the camp …

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Mojahedin Khalq refuses family visits

… The MKO’s advocates in Britain and America also joined the fray and demanded of their respective governments to intervene. But, in all these cries for help, no mention was made that it was the MKO leaders who were not allowing the members to leave the camp and visit with their families outside the camp …The families’ simple, straightforward and only demand is that they be able to meet with their relatives..

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MKO elements attacked the Iranian families

While preventing the Iranian families visit their relatives incarcerated in Ashraf Camp in Iraq’s Diyala Province, MKO/MEK/PMOI elements attacked the Iranian families and the Iraqi security forces accompanied them.Iranian families asked the Iraqi government to take urgent measures for the release of their children imprisoned in Ashraf Camp.

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Families on hunger strike to protest American support for MKO terrorist group

… From November 2 the families began a hunger strike. They demand that the Iraqi government as the only responsible body in Iraq must take charge and allow the freedom of their children … American Army established a check point to prevent families release their loved ones from a terrorist cult of Mujahedin aka MKO/MEK/PMOI..Efforts by the Iraqi authorities, U.N. representatives, the ICRC and others to facilitate the humanitarian move have been blocked by the Americans..

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