Mujahedin Khalq Organization

Impact on the MKO: US Withdrawal from Iraq

As the Iraqi government proceeds with gaining sovereignty after President Barack Obama officially announced the withdrawal of US forces from Iraqi territory [1], the Iraqi people will face consequences. Also facing consequences, but less publicized is the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK PMOI, NCRI), a group which has housed its members there for a number of decades in Camp Ashraf

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Why is the PMOI so isolated as a political opposition?

… How can a criminal organization like the PMOI/MKO/MEK, with a bloody record and hands smeared with blood, claim to be a legitimate opposition group? They are criminals and they should be tried in courts of law for their bloody past. They do not have any popularity among Iranian people at all and Iranian people in their recent protests throughout Iran, especially after Iran’s presidential election, showed that not only do they not support the PMOI as an opposition group, but rather …

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The Mujahedin-e Khalq: Who are they really?

The leadership of [MKO/MEK/PMOI]. has not set foot in Iran for almost thirty years, and yet still feel entitled to speak on behalf of Iranian citizens. Do they really know what the people want? Why so many MEPs, MPs and other policy makers cannot see this as a problem is difficult to understand. It cannot be for a lack of information, because the group has been extensively written …

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West is also seeking the trial of leaders of Mojahedin Khalq

… As is seen in the above mentioned part of the article, for the first time a semi-official source in the west is seeking the trial of the leaders of the MKO, and for the first time the international demand is heard that the cult leader Rajavi and his wife must face justice in international courts. Although it is late, it is still positive to find that with the arrest warrant issued by the Iraqi Supreme Criminal Court, the resistance of the Camp Ashraf Families is eventually giving its fruit and the International call for freeing the victims of the cult and trying the leaders …

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Why Mojahedin Khalq welcomes new sanctions against Iran?

… The evidence is a multitude of published reports by state-run research organizations and institutes that recognize MKO responsible for sporadic bombings, assassinations, violence, unrest and anarchy after the 1979 revolution in Iran. Although at the present enjoying the support of the Hawks, the official positions of the US officials and particularly the Congress and the State Department do not confirm that of a supporter and still recognizes MKO as a terrorist group …

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Mujahedin in Denial

..Although camp leadership has essentially been told by the Iraqi government that they are no longer protected, the members are still being told they are. Members are still isolated from the outside world, and they are regularly exposed to the groups’ own media. This propaganda campaign, an emblematic tactic for the MKO[MEK/PMOI], keeps members subdued and believing that the organization maintains strength…

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Families’ demands force Rajavi’s back against the wall

… Unfortunately, Western governments, because of their reluctance to take any action to curtail the activities of this terrorist cult in their own countries, are placing their citizens’ lives and their own reputations under threat. The following statement issued by the MKO (aka NCRI) is indicative of this diversion from the real issue of having family members sitting outside the camp gates for over 100 days asking to meet with their children…

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MKO, Leftist Extremists or Imperialist’s footman?

..MKO leaders misunderstand their organization’s condition, they are stuck in a defective cycle of”absolute denial of others”and”extreme violence”. This ends in their disability to solve their strategic or tactical contradictions, and eventually the gradual defection of their forces. All this leads MKO/MEK/PMOI from ultra leftist interests (in theory) to rightist activities (in action) as Imperialist’s mercenary and Capitalists’ footman. Today, MKO leader take the same positions of America warmongers and capitalists!..

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A book on MEK”Misled Martyrs”

she describes the heart-rending scene of an MEK/MKO/PMOI sympathizer committing self-immolation to protest the arrest of Maryam Rajavi in Paris. The suicide lost her life. The reader now keeps on reading because questions do not leave his curious mind. What motivation; what kind of hatred makes Neda commit such an act of protest? Why doesn’t Mujahedin khalq Organization prohibit such acts…

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Misled Martyrs

An Iranian woman sets herself alight outside of the French embassy in London. She sacrifices her life for the freedom of her leader, Maryam Rajavi, after her arrest by the French police on terrorism and fraud charges. She is one of at least ten members of Rajavi’s Iranian resistance group, the Mujahedin Khalq, who set themselves on fire in protest at the treatment of their adored leader

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