Mujahedin Khalq Organization

MKO labels Russia as enemy

In a quite hostile move, the website of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, a.k.a. MEK) described the downed Russian drone in Syria as the “enemy’s aircraft”.Supporting the Takfiri and terrorist groups in Syria during the previous years, MKO’s latest reaction to shooting down the Russian drone is a clear hostile move lining up against Moscow.

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Who are the Iranian dissident group MEK?

During the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, the MEK carried out several armed attacks on Iran in coordination with Saddam’s army, losing much of its domestic support in the process. The MEK’s relations with the West have been complex. The United States and European Union listed the group as a terrorist organisation during the …

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Victory of Diplomacy over war disappointed the MKO

Following the victory of Senate Democrats of the US Congress to block Republicans’ efforts to reject the nuclear deal agreed between Iran and the six world powers, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) seems too disappointed to be able to recover from the defeat of the Israeli lobby (AIPAC) in the US Congress…

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Who is the Finance Director of the MKO?

Tarighat Monfared was tasked with operating as Rajavi’s representative in receiving the monthly 3 million oil barrels coupons and supervising the finances. In 2003 he left Iraq for Europe in accompany with Maryam Rajavi. From then on he lives in Germany and organizes the money laundering operations of the group.Most recently three members of the MKO traveled to Germany from Albania …

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Iranian People or Iranian Resistance?

Maryam Rajavi’s speech in city hall of 2nd district of Paris for her paid supporters is remarkable because whenever she speaks of her cult-like organization as the “Iranian Resistance”, she uses the phrase “the Iranian people” too. She tries to convince her audience that the so-called Iranian Resistance represents the Iranian people but Is this claim true?

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Iran Interlink Fourth Report from Baghdad

Massoud Khodabandeh from Iran Interlink visited Baghdad over ten days during October 2014 to gather the latest information pertaining to the Mojahedin Khalq presence in Iraq. Events in Iraq have been changing rapidly with the Iraqi army and militia mounting an effective offensive campaign against Daesh*. This report …

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Italian professor: MKO has no place in Iran

A professor in Rome University and Chairman of World Study Institute Nicola Pedde, who has written a book about the activities of MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorist group, says the group will never have a place in Iran…Pedde believes that seditious role of the MKO against Iran during the 8 years of imposed war is totally evident for Iranian society.

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Rajavi’s drums of war silenced by trade envoy Baroness Nicholson

Anne Khodabandeh (Singleton), Middle East Strategy Consultants, June 08 2014: … So the British Prime Minister’s personal appointment of Baroness Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne as his Trade Envoy to Iraq with the mandate to ”increase trade and economic co-operation between the UK and Iraq”, was certain to provoke a fierce reaction from the MEK …

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MKO calls on US to hinder their trial

The Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorist group (a.k.a. MEK and MKO) has asked the US and UN”to condemn”Iran’s demand for extradition of MEK criminals in Camp Liberty to Iran.Earlier the week and prior to the 4-day visit of a delegation of Iraqi judiciary officials, Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) asked the Iranian officials to pursue the extradition of MKO criminals ….

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