Mujahedin Khalq Organization

The MEK’s Influence in EU Politics Matters

The good news is that MEK lobbying efforts against diplomacy with Iran are unlikely to succeed. Even with the extravagant funds the MEK has spent on endorsements by political elites, the group’s prominence in the EU is confined only to one part of the EP. The foreign policy decision-making bodies of the EU — the Council of the EU and …

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The MKO struggle to survive or to topple the IRI

The Mujahedin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI failed to function properly as a real opposition group during its controversial so called struggle life. The group has been struggling to survive rather than opposing the Islamic Republic and through this challenge it has passed different phases.

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Razaghi: Israel’s Iranian spy belongs to Mojahedin Khalq

Ali Mansouri was resident in Turkey between 1980 and 1998 and was in charge of gathering intelligence from inside Iran. He himself would travel to Iran every now and then. The MEK, of course, was very keen to keep him and his work secret. I remember clearly a few times that I was tasked to go to see him to collect some pictures and documents …

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The MEK’s worse days coming soon

Once the MKO forces are relocated in different part of the world the cult hierarchy and manipulative control over members disappear. No mind control system – self criticism sessions, indoctrination meetings, peer pressure—no hegemony over the cult. This is what Maryam Rajavi and her disappeared husband Massoud fear the most.

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Black Dream: A Documentary on the MKO

The documentary that will be shown in 15, thirty minute parts, reveals for the first time new facts on the MKO, according to Fars News Agency.The film was produced by Iman Goudarzi.About the researches to make such a documentary he told FNA…

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Bad News for the MKO

In contrary to the efforts of the MKO agents in the United States, on July 18, 2013, 131 members of the US Congress signed a letter urging President Obama to reinvigorate Iran diplomacy. The letter, being circulated by Representatives David Price (D-North Carolina) and Charles Dent (R-Pennsylvania), is the biggest ever pro-Iran diplomacy letter from the Hill, those supporting the initiative said. …

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