Mujahedin Khalq Organization

The MKO, No Democratic, No popular

You may wonder how boldly can he fake “The Cult of Rajavi” as a democratic organization that represents Iranian people. Perhaps, the MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders are under the wrong impression that once they are removed from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations of the US State Department, they will be regarded as a pro-democracy movement. They seem to be misunderstood by the bipartisan support…

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Resettled MKO Members in Albania Disobey Ringleaders

most of the MKO members who have been transferred to Albania from their transit camp in Iraq no more obey their masters and cannot be controlled by their ringleaders…referred to a recent ceremony in France to celebrate the anniversary of the terrorist group’s armed attack against Iran in 1981, which was broadcast for the MKO members in Albania through video conferencing…

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Iran-Interlink Weekly Digest- 6

Ex-MEK members were contacted by the new arrivals in Albania. They report that the MEK have dispatched commanders to Albania from Paris headed by Hassan Nayeb Agha, and another, to monitor them and try to pacify them so they don’t run away from the MEK. Except the few known MEK agents among these 30 people from Liberty, the others have not welcomed these two from Paris and have mostly rejected the food and money they brought for them …

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Last ‘non-MEK’ members of the NCRI resign

Mohammad Reza Rowhani and Karim Ghassim, two heads of the so-called Commissions of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) published a joint resignation statement.They say they do not want to go into detail; however they have listed a long list of human rights abuses and …

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MKO is falling apart: Habilian Association SG

It seems they are disintegrating. Some 100 persons have escaped the MKO aka MEK/PMOI since 2 or 3 years ago. These defections are moving from the body of the MKO to its leadership level. Out of the 70 women who were members of the MKO’s leadership council and Rajavi deeply trusted them, 3 have defected. Massoud Rajavi’s main translator has also escaped. All of these show that….

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MKO ex-Supporter Criticizes the Leader

Iraj Mesdaaghi, who has worked in support of the MEK for many years in Europe, published a 230 page open letter to Massoud Rajavi. He asks Rajavi to address this issue of internal dissatisfaction. He has gone into detail about many specific reactions Rajavi has had against ….

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Desperate Struggle to Stop Dispersion

The rejection well indicates that MKO never aims to leave Iraq nor is looking for a final solution for resettlement of the members long enslaved physically and psychologically. It seems more a tactic to buy time to impede the gradual dissociation of the organization.Taken as a typical of MKO, the group did not hesitate to put the blame of a deliberate rejection on others …

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Survey: Only 5% of Iranian Americans support MKO

the survey released late last week by the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), reveals that only 5 percent of a total of 15 percent of Iranian Americans who support opposition groups or figures in Iran support MKO/MEK/PMOI.The results of this survey truly represent the lack of support for the terrorist MKO group among Iranian patriots who are aware of the MKO’s treasonable acts

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