Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

International Workers’ Day and MeK’s propaganda efforts

However, there has always been a great contradiction in the MeK’s propaganda in these events. The final product is never in accordance with what the MeK blows in its own horn. Even if we assume the most optimistic scenario according to the MeK’s official website (below) that protests have erupted in Iran by workers under the influence of MeK’s propaganda in less than 6 days, then …

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The MKO cheers Trump’s Syrian missile attack

About three decades ago, Saddam Hussein – the then military and financial sponsor of the MKO- attacked his own people in Kurdish areas in the North of Iraq and the people in the Western town of Iran, Sardasht. While those chemical attacks at the time, were much more catastrophic than the one in Khan Sheikhan, the MKO/MEK/PMOI not only didn’t condemn Saddam Hussein…

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Rajavi’s “crocodile tears for oppressed Syrians”

This former writer of Radio Free Syria warns about Maryam Rajavi’s hypocritical rhetoric for the Syrian opposition giving a brief of the MKO’s / MEK/PMOI violent past, its alliance with Saddam Hussein and combat against its own people. “The problem is not with the words”, he writes about Maryam’s “well-worded performance” for Syrian people….

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Goebbels’ Principles of Propaganda followed by the MKO

Leader of the MKO cult, Massoud Rajavi systematically inherited Goebbels’ legacy as a devious, manipulative master propagandist. Like Goebbels, Massoud was extremely good at his job. He drove his listeners into trance, making them stand up for long hours, sing songs, raise their arms, repeat oaths and slogans; and he did it, not through an ardent inspiration, but as the result of a psychological manipulative methodology.

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Nothing to celebrate – MEK leader Maryam Rajavi pretends forced move to Albania is a great victory

This is what the Washington Times reported in March 2013: “…The U.S. wants the MeK aka MKO/PMOI leadership to ‘accept the government of Albania’s humanitarian offer immediately, and urges the residents of Camp [Liberty] to resume participation in resettlement interviews to ensure that individuals avail themselves of safe and secure relocation opportunities outside Iraq,’ said State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland. The dissidents are housed at Camp Liberty …

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The MKO relocation; victory for who?

While Maryam Rajavi calls the departure from Iran’s neighboring territory “a hammer that will descend upon the ruling theocracy”, Mustafa Saadoun of Al Monitor asserts that the Islamic Republic was the winner of the recent move criticizing the Iraqi government for its failure to take more advantages from the case. “Of course, the MEK’s aka MKO/PMOI departure….

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