Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Supporting the MKO is big waste of time and money

Anyone involved in the regional policy knows that MKO/MEK/PMOI has no foot print inside Iran and have in fact acted as mercenaries against Iranians during the Iran-Iraq War. Even if you dislike the Iranian regime, supporting the MKO will not help to get a new regime. No one in Iran will support MKO as it betrayed this country by supporting Iraq during a terrible war,”….

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Open letter to Beata Szydło, Prime Minister of Poland

As you are aware, extremist cultic groups like ISIS, in line with their devious agendas, are now engaged heavily in recruiting in European countries. The Mojahedin Khalq of Iran (aka Rajavi cult/MKO/MEK/PMOI) led by Maryam Rajavi is one of the oldest and most dangerous of these cultic groups. It is now over 30 years that the members of this cult have been exiled from …

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Former MKO lobbyist denounce Paris gathering

Mr. Almora’bi who has several times visited certain former members of the MKO/MEK/PMOI, warns about the MKO’s exaggerated propaganda about the gathering that the group claims to have been attended by over a hundred thousand people. “It is absolutely wrong. In the entire Paris and its suburb there is no such a hall that fits such a population”, he writes. “As I know, the “Stade de France” is the biggest stadium in France which doesn’t have such a capacity. “

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Do not participate in the gathering of a cultic terrorist organisation

With all these facts mentioned above, we advise you not to participate in such a ceremony which is organized by a terrorist and cultic organization. Because despite its claim that it is the most democratic political group, each year it commemorates the anniversary of terrorism and violence and it continues to insist on the strategy of violence and terrorism. So, by participating in this …

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Ex MKO High-ranking member pens letter to David Jones MP

How could one shake hands in the 21th Century with people that claim to be the Calipha and to be sent by the God and represents the God on the Earth and also practices being the owner of the blood, breath, life and all belongings of the mankind? It is in this context that Maryam Rajavi arranges Harem full of women members for his “Calipha” Masoud Rajavi. If in doubt please ask Maryam Rajavi to officially deny it. Since she may deceivingly …

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Open letter to Michael James Tottoen

As a journalist with knowledge about the middle east, especially Iraq and Iran, you certainly know that the MEK/MKO/PMOI is a cultish organization with no support among the most Iranians (exiles as those living in Iran). The majority of the Iranians despise the MEK for their alliance with Saddam Hussein in the 80s and for their position against the nuclear program…

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MeK’s claims of freedom, democracy is an insult to humanity

These were only a part of the MeK’s activities which claims freedom and democracy, but change it color each day in order to mislead the public opinion so that it may continue to live for a few while and get rid of its critics and former members. Taking a glance at the MeK’s aka MKO/PMOI activities from past to present, one can firmly say that MeK’s claims of freedom and democracy is an insult to …

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Pictorial – Scandal for MKO Propaganda

The text of the alleged news quotes what it calls “independent reporters” reporting that “dozens of Iranian teachers took part in a rally in Hamedan, western Iran on Friday, demanding their basic rights and also the release of imprisoned teachers”. Surprisingly, a photo of teachers’ walking program in Hamedan with the fake caption reveals the misinformation campaign of the MKO propaganda

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Fake News for Real Photos, Scandal for MKO Propaganda

In a very unprofessional gaffe, the English website of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) publishes a photo absolutely unrelated to the so-called news about Iranian teachers.The MKO/MEK/PMOI propaganda claims to be the voice of the Iranian people propagating various news on the alleged riots, protests and revolt of the Iranian people! The most recent of the so-called protests….

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