Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Perils for the MKO, the US purchasing Iran’s heavy water

The MKO’s/MEK/PMOI spokesman in the US Alireza Jaffarzadeh called the US decision “another unjustified concession” and “rewarding” the Iranian government. However, certain analysts including Jay Solomon of the Wall Street Journal considers this deal “a new gambit in a growing White House effort to encourage Tehran to stick to the nuclear agreement

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Speaking of human Rights, Paradox of the Cult of Rajavi

There are a lot of more families who were torn by the MKO either in its terror acts or as a result of the cult-like despotic approach by its leaders. By contrast, today Maryam Rajavi who speaks under the so-called title of “president-elect”, boasts of human rights and democracy that she could bring to the Iranian people.Over a decade the MKO’s misinformation campaign…

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What is behind the alleged “widespread campaign of MEK supporters” in Iran?

On the occasion of the anniversary of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) foundation, the group’s propaganda website has published a video on what it calls “widespread campaign of MEK supporters in Iran”. The group’s website claims that its supporters “have carried out an extensive campaign across Iran to mark the MEK’s 50th anniversary” but what the video shows seems really ridiculous and ludicrous using the phrase: “an extensive campaign across Iran”.

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The MKO “cannot and should not be trusted”

The annual gathering of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) was held a few weeks earlier than the date that used to be held in the previous years. It used to be held on June 20th which commemorates the date that armed struggle against Iran started by the group. The change indicates that MKO/MEK/PMOI is trying very hard to derail diplomatic engagement…

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The MKO to invest on new landlord!

In Albania, the only Muslim country of Europe, a large number of MKO/MEK/PMOI members left the group’s controlling system. Thus, the group leaders organized new tactics to maintain the group’s survival in Tirana, Albania. Inviting the President of Albania to speak at the MKO’s yearly propaganda show in Villepint, Paris, is the proof that …

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Mrs. Rajavi! Your Propaganda Just doesn’t work well!

The MKO’s /MEK/PMOI disinformation campaign is not limited to the US Congress. The cult of Rajavi has had a longstanding lobbying campaign in the European Parliament too. The lavish bribery of the EP representatives and US Congressmen finally ended with removal of the group from the list of terrorist organizations. However, its propaganda has not been able to frustrate the West’s approach to …

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