Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Beware of the MEK

The voices supporting the MEK/MKO/PMOI are ignoring the lessons of some of the most catastrophic U.S. foreign-policy mistakes in the past few decades, urging Washington to repeat history. Overhyping the threat of an adversary and blindly supporting groups opposing it led to the creation of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan …

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Joining hands with the deceitful MKO terror-cult would be a huge mistake

The adept propaganda apparatus of MKO/MEK/PMOI mixes the huge sums of money with huge sums of deception in order to portray the organization the way the audiences want it to be.Among human rights advocates it wears the mask of human rights defenders and shows itself as a prototype of a favored society. As the most colorful motto of the group, the leaders use slogans in support of gender equality and freedom of women….

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MKO’s Irresponsible Fear-mongering Goes on

Once again, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) builds up nonexistent threats. It multiplies the fake evidence fabricated by Israeli Intelligence about Iranian nuclear program. Surprisingly the American prominent newspaper supports it with its propaganda against the Iranian government.

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US Embassy Takeover, the MKO For or Against

Therefore, along with their opportunistic substance, the MKO propaganda on the new dispute between the two governments is pushing a new campaign to buy more supporters in the US claiming”1979 US hostage takers are now senior Iranian officials & Rouhani cabinet members.”The group lists a number of half true half fake photos to support such allegations.

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The MKO losing games, Geneva deal working

Following the deal brokered in November, between Iran and the world’s six powers, The US Treasury Department has granted plane manufacturers Boeing and General Electric’s (GE) a license to export certain spare commercial parts to Iran despite the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) put a heavy lobbying efforts to stop the deal working.

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The MKO disappointed with the Spanish ruling

The pass of the bill is a bad news for MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders. Under the bill, judges could investigate crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide only if the suspect is a Spanish national…Maryam Rajavi ordered an end to the hunger strike under the pretext that a Spanish investigative judge….

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