Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

The MKO’s deep pocket is not enough

Despite the well funded efforts by the Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s lobbyists in the US Congress, the pro Israel lobbying group, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) turned its back to the MKO. AIPAC gave up on pushing for a vote on an anti-Iran bill after top sponsor of new sanction bill — who is actually an MKO’s main advocate…

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The MKO, never taken seriously

Disappointed and frustrated, the mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) has to keep a bitter silence after Iran and the P5+1 have ultimately reached an agreement. Despite the MKO’s large scale propaganda to create obstacle in negotiations neither international body nor any other government took the group seriously.

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The Nightmare of Diplomacy for the MKO

Regarding the MKO/MEK/PMOI, the world community seems sensible enough not to get trapped in such half truths which are no more reliable than the ones from Iraq, if anybody cares to remember the allegations about WMDs made by Ahmad Chalabi.The list of enemies of diplomacy with Islamic Republic includes Israel and Gulf States, the MKO, US based Israel lobby and Us Congress…

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The MKO more isolated than ever

With the progress — although a little– made in Geneva talks, a few groups seem enraged by the results. Israeli Prime Minister was the first one to lash out against the deal. The other opponent to a normalized Iran-West relationship is the Mujahedin Khalq organization (the MKO)

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Retarded MKO PR Apparatus

Surprisingly, the MKO propaganda websites have so far kept silent regarding the 1$ million funding by the US government to facilitate the relocation process of Hurriya residents. Instead, the group’s propaganda is focused on demonizing Iranian government and fabricating nonsense about the nuclear program. The MKO’s parrot-like propaganda against Iran seems very similar to that of the Israelis….

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Washington denies intention to cut aid over Mojahedin Khalq

In an interview with Al Mada Press, Stephen Beecroft said, “the United States has an agreement to help Iraq in all fields and to act as a partner to Iraq”. He noted that “there is chatter being fired from here and there about cutting aid to Iraq because of a failure to provide protection for some of the MEK, but we can assure the government of Iraq that we…

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