Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Unending fraudulent recruiting methods of MKO

Another year, another June, and another non-Iranian huge rally in Villepinte, Paris. Each year, the terrorist MKO group celebrates the anniversary of its armed struggle against its compatriots in June 1981, and claims that tens of thousands of Iranians gather in Villepinte from across Europe. ..

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How to pack a Mujahadeen-e-Khalq rally

… Sgro valued the travel, accommodation, and gifts provided by the NCRI at more than $2,000. This year’s rally just concluded in Paris. We won’t know for a while yet whether any Canadian MPs attended. We do, however, have a glimpse into who some of the supposed NCRI supporters are. Alina Alymkulova is a Kyrgyz — not Iranian — student studying in …

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Diary Of An MKO Rent-A-Crowd Demonstrator

Enough. I had to find the exit door. Near the exit doors, where organizers were distributing salmon sandwiches and kebabs, I heard a few people speaking Kyrgyz, my mother tongue. They were three students who traveled from Germany. 9:28 p.m.: I spent the rest of the day sightseeing in Paris before returning to our bus. JUNE 24: 11:57 a.m.: We arrived back …

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Shadow of the Iranian election on the MKO gathering

Obsessed with the new political relations that may be formed between the world community and Iran following the election of Dr. Rowhani, the MKO/MEK/PMOI leader Maryam Rajavi made efforts in her speech at the gathering to convince the West that the Iranian election is not a real one and the president elect is not a moderate.

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Exiled Iranian opposition group in Paris for talks

The National Council of Resistance of Iran, an exiled coalition of Iranian opposition groups, will hold a conference near Paris on Saturday, with international figures including former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani expected to speak…while the NCRI may be able put on a good show outside its homeland, many of the group’s detractors feel that the Rajavis and their followers have ceased to matter to the situation in Iran…

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Fear of Election in the MKO

While the Iranian nation was practicing democracy at the polling stations on Friday to elect their new president, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization that has always boycotted the elections in the Islamic Republic seemed to go nuts with the 36 million voters who have no sympathy for the MKO but welcomed the Presidential Elections in Iran.

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The MKO leadership victim of the US!?

the so-called National Council of Resistance accused the US State Department of “targeting the victims” because the department hadn’t appreciated “the efforts of the leadership” of the MKO. This time the secretariat of the NCR published an alleged “rebuttal” to the LA Times and once again accused it of “targeting the victims”. Why? Because Paul Richter of the LA Times reported that “The group leadership was not cooperating in the departures….

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MKO recruit attendees for the June Rally

According to some refugees, this year the MEK aka MKO/PMOI tell Afghanis that ‘on top of the pay, by attending this meeting you will be siding with the western backed MEK therefore you will be separated from Al Qaida, etc in Afghanistan and therefore the security services will …..

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Who deceives the US? Martin Kobler or the MKO?

After the departure of the 14 Ashraf residents, the United States again expressed “its appreciation to the Government of Albania…Heated with the Press Statement of the US Department of State, the MKO propaganda arm, the NCRI accused Martin Kobler of deceiving the DOS. The NCR website also blame the Department that….

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A First Hand experience with the MKO

The first time I encountered the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), the Iranian group recently removed by the State Department from its list of foreign terrorist organizations, was in Los Angeles in 2008. I was working for Amnesty International and I had organized an outreach event on human rights to the Iranian-American community.When supporters of the MEK/MKO/PMOI learned of the event, they….

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