Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

MKO Fuels Warmongering Propaganda

MKO hopes that the old allies develop a unanimous consensus over the military option against Iranian regime. It would make both allies a perfect united ‘alien element’ for a total dependence. What MKO/MEK/PMOI has achieved so far has been an unfortunate outcome; its desperate struggle to achieve the reproachful, anti-national and ambitious goal has brought the group into disrepute among all struggling oppositions.

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No use eating cake across from the White House

the event indicated that the MKO propaganda has been roughly successful to whitewash its violent past and even the image it had as the assassin of the 6 US citizens in the 1970s. Haward LA Franchi of the Christian Science Monitor suggests, “From prominent former members of Congress to former national security officials and high-profile diplomats, the caliber of the American advocates on hand for the ribbon-cutting demonstrated how effective the Iranian opposition organization has been at transforming its image – from that of a fringe group with a violent past

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Fake Nature of Statements Supporting MKO revealed

The statements released in support of the MKO are forged in two ways. In the first method, the group or the organization which is said to have issued the statement doesn’t exist at all and the statement is the result of the MKO ringleaders’ imagination,”Gholam Hosseinnejad, a highly trusted veteran member of the MKO and the confided interpreter of MKO ringleader Massoud Rajavi…

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Beware of Mojahedin Khalq

While the cult leader Massoud Rajavi calls the genuine families ‘spies of the Iranian services’, he has gathered some paid individuals outside the UN office in Geneva under the guise of families. Rajavi claims that the so-called families in Geneva demand the rescue of their relatives in Iraq; whilst Rajavi is the sole body threatening their safety. He does not let them out to determine their own destiny.

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MKO sends fake letters to International Organizations

An Ex high ranking MEK member and human rights activist living in Europe, Mr. Behzad Alishahi has told MojahedinMonitor that MEK has been using identities of Iranians as well as non-Iranians to send fake letters and provide false information. He mentioned,”MEK has been trying to approach families and friends of its hostages in Iraq and asks them to sign a letter.” He adds, “The MEK`s letter is nothing but the will of the cult …

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Vain Attempt to Question the UN Legitimacy

As a matter of fact, Mr. Kobler is not in Iraq to deal with the never-ending problems, better to say non-stop excuse makings, of an outcast terrorist group that has no respects for internal or international agreements. As a coordinator to help solve one among many problems in Iraq, Mr. Kobler did his best to mediate a settlement between the Iraqi government and Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, MCR, NLA)…

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MKO losing the opportunity to run its new plot

A few hours after the Liberty attack, the MKO websites launched large-scale propaganda over the issue. They held an event where a number of their supporters including Howard Dean, Patrick Kennedy, and Strauan Stevenson, spoke on behalf of the group’s recently taken agenda; they all called for residents’ return to Camp Ashraf…

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Idolizing the Dead, MKO’s Survival Desideratum

Blood, shed from its own members or those in opposite front, builds the cornerstone of MKO. The Rajavis, the husband-wife leaders of the group, are of the opinion that the rightness of any ideology is maintained by the number of its casualties and martyrs; included in their political and ideological framework, the life and death of man is so simple an issue like drinking water. Ask any defected member and they would promptly enumerate plain examples of the glorification of violence and death-seeking attitude within the organization,..

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The Attacks that Promote MKO Cause

Regardless of all these accusations and who the real directors of the attacks might be, MKO/MEK/PMOI is the side that best benefits from the bloodshed. In fact, the leaders are not at all looking for the responsible to accuse; whoever they are, they have served MKO in the best way to deserve its thanks. It makes no difference for Rajavi who is sacrificed from which side; the emphasis is on the applied brutality to claim victims. And for MKO, the more victims the better.

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MKO’s new propaganda on Camp Liberty

According to reports, almost all former members of the MKO/MEK/PMOI who fled the group camps in Iraq could manage to resettle whether in Iran or in European countries. It sounds that leaving Iraq is not so difficult that the Rajavis could not relocate their members yet. Probably it’s not the matter of ability it’s the matter of will.

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