Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Library of Congress pulls sketchy Iran intel report

To back up its claim that Khodabandeh was spying for Tehran, the report cited a 2007 essay written by Rabbi Daniel Zucker, who chairs a group called Americans for Democracy in the Middle East and is known to write often in support of the MEK aka MKO/PMOI. The website where his essay was published is no longer operational, but had linked to the also now-defunct as its source..

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MKO’s Trick of Concentrating upon a Single Foe

Pretty remarkable in MKO-run propaganda machine is a strange paradox. It highlights anti-Iranian regime sentiments and demonizes whoever is attached to it and minimizes whatever might cause MKO fall into disrepute of being represented as an undemocratic terrorist cult. It fuels global rage against Iranian regime but praises the group and its leaders as pro-democratic

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More smoke and mirrors from the MEK propaganda factory

It is known that Zucker, along with his family, visited Maryam Rajavi in Paris and was sufficiently impressed by her glamorous outfits, free dinners and weasel words to become an active advocate of the MEK in America. However, Zucker’s article received a thorough retort back in 2007 from Professor Paul Sheldon Foote. Reference to the same discredited article in this report can only be done out of ignorance…

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MKO Concerned about Human Rights!

Appreciated as an overall promising and urging move, the attendance is being criticized by the leaders of the forcefully relocated MKO aka MEK/PMOI that the Iraqi government is decisive to expel from its soil for its very same role in violation of human rights and many Iraqi rules as well as interfering in domestic affairs. In a statement issued by the group…

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MKO Dismisses to Admit Errors

Despite MKO aka MEK/PMOI is removed from the US terror list, today most of parliamentarians and politicians, with whom Maryam Rajavi attempts to show is in alliance with, are aware of the terrorist nature and record of her group. And of course, the group’s leaders never stop emphasizing the strategy of terror and violence whenever grabbing at a chance. The number of casualties and those killed..

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Camp Liberty resembles a prison?

In her recent act of disinformation, Maryam Rajavi addressed Estonian Parliament calling for support for the so called resistance of the Iranian people (!) against Islamic Republic. She dares to represent herself as Iranians’ attorney, while she doesn’t comply with the most basic human rights within her own camps either in Iraq or France. ..

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When Will MKO Swing into Action?

A flashback to the decade-long campaign by Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK/PMOI to be removed from the global terrorist lists, and particularly after the controversial POAC’s judgment to be removed from the EU blacklist, had convinced many misinformed that the world was neglecting and depriving itself ….

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MEK shocked by diplomats visits to Liberty

According to the report, visitors [of MEK/MKO/PMOI temporary camp Liberty] had a general positive view of Iraq`s efforts to help UN moving the unwanted group out.”Foreign diplomats who visited the dusty complex of former U.S housing containers described the conditions as acceptable. Some said the conditions there looked good compared to other refugee camps.”..

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Terrorists Propagate by Doing Violence

The terrorist act, one of the most outrageous and blamable form of terrorism in the world history, was somehow endorsed by the West when they deliberately preferred to remain silent on the act that would trigger a global tension if it happened in a Western country. At the same time, none of the Western countries approved use of terrorism as a means of implacable determination to achieve undemocratic and ambitious ends.

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Mujahedin, Running out of excuses

Tahar Boumedra was a well known character in Iraq during his tenure there. He enjoyed friendly relations with the MEK and was one of very few outsiders who were allowed inside Camp Ashraf. After leaving his post in Iraq, flights and accommodation have reportedly been paid by MEK supporter, R.Bruce McColm, President of Global Initiative for Democracy, as part of a campaign to advocate for the MEK…

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