Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Never-Ending Excuses of MKO in Iraq

Since the halt of relocation, MKO/MEK/PMOI has proved its unusual skill in inventing endless excuses. Except a few of them that the Iraqi government has already agreed their transfer to transit camp, other demands are not realistic since they are of no use in a temporary camp. For instance…

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MKO Fails to Win the Global Trust

highlighted remarks indicate that Mr. Page was either badly misinformed or was following footsteps of already misled officials and politicians whose views were also based on misinformation. Page’s words are just the very same principles MKO has been trying to fabricate in its disinformation campaign over the last decade,..

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MKO Is a Disgrace to the Media Warfare

Since conducting its antagonistic struggle under a pro-democratic disguise in European countries, MKO has heavily invested on the crucial role of the media to spread its play in the formation of public opinion and thought through talking in monologue. MKO has its own private media that broadcasts its own words..

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Columnist Clarence Page to return $20k speaking fee to MEK

Page said he was paid a fee of $20,000 and travel expenses and that he attended the June 23 event during vacation time. He said he just arrived back at work from vacation and has not yet given back the money..”I thought they were simply a group of Iranian exiles who were opposed to the regime in Tehran,” Page said.

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June23, Where are Iranians?

Days before the event they publicized for the rally spending huge amounts of money to bring rented crowds to Paris. A week after the event held you can find on the group’s websites very few photos and highly edited videos of the gathering. You may see the 1300 buses the MKO propaganda claimed of but you never see who got off the buses, Iranian exiles or hired Arabs and black Africans.

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Mojahedine Khalq terrorist group propaganda

The latest event at Villepinte in Paris on June 23 was such a spectacle. But it was a spectacle of spectacular failure. Probably the most embarrassing event the MEK has yet had to outlive . Most of the VIPs, who had been rounded up to promote the MEK under the false ‘democratic change’ front groups, called in sick after being briefed by government officials..

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