Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Relocation, A Humanitarian Concern or An Assets Dispute

the unnecessary interval of 19 days between the transfer of the fourth and the fifth group was mainly because of MKO’s providing of unreasonable impediments and invention of excuses. In its latest statement delivered a few days prior to transfer, MKO/MEK/PMOI offered new suggestions which clearly indicated that it was walking on a path of delaying the process of relocation and prolonging its stay at Ashraf. ..

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Ashraf Properties; Has MKO A Right to Claim?

The first backlashes of Mojahedin Khlaq Organization MKO against the Iraqi Government’s decision to close camp Ashraf and expel its residents from the country were a variety of violent behavior and threatening tone. The first practical approach was to provoke the Iraqi forces, not acquainted with the group’s self-destructive tactics, to show a violent reaction to the residents’ protests.That was enough for the group to run a propaganda atmosphere

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A Lobbyist or a Messenger to Mankind

I always wondered how the survivor of a human tragedy could be abused for the justification of another human tragedy just taking place before the eyes of the world. Just last year on April 27, Elie Wiesel, a survivor of Hitler’s death camp at Buchenwald, was invited to make a speech at a conference in Paris organized by Mojahedin Khalq ,MKO ..

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Take MEK claims of Iran’s nuclear capability with a grain of salt

Alireza Jafarzadeh’s recent commentary is eerily reminiscent of the manipulations of Iraqi exile Ahmad Chalabi who shamelessly fed the US government false information with the express aim of advocating a military invasion of Iraq in 2003 in order to promote his own personal political and economic fortunes.Just as Mr. Jafarzadeh openly sides with the exiled Iranian terrorist group Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MEK/MKO/PMOI

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The Contradictory Image of MKO

In the course of its forty seven years long life MKO has stubbornly dwelled on its strategically made mistakes, failures and dogmatism believing to have achieved huge successes, habitually making a mountain out of a molehill. And just at this time when the organization is facing its critical phase and condition of uncertainty, its leader in hideout, Massoud Rajavi, has begun to talk big and claims to be entering a phase of change and starting to ..

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The Hired Recruits of a Terrorist Cult

The recent revelations concerning the speaking fees paid to the former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell as a supporter of a designated terrorist group MKO, only one of a group of senior former American officials and military commanders walking on the same line, are sad news to hear especially when you come to realize that these advocates have been a part of an administration that voiced a global war on terrorism.

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What’s Up With All the MEK Ads?

the MEK/MKO/PMOI is not well liked by the majority of Iranians because of the numerous acts of violence it has committed within the country. This means that it’s not really a viable regime-change option—which is the reason Washington insiders have been lining up on behalf of the group.More disturbing is the fact that the MEK is basically a cult. In a 2009 report on the group, the Rand Corporation characterizes the MEK’s practices as “cultic” and their recruitment tactics as “deceptive,”

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MKO’s weapon: nonstop propaganda campaign in media

The MKO’s slanderous statements on the so-called defects of the new location soon came after their resettlement. The group primarily accused the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) which in January said Liberty (Temporary Transit Location) met” international humanitarian standards “ of misrepresenting conditions there, according to AFP…It is far and wide known that TTL had previously housed 5000 American troops…

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MEK terrorists in Iraq battle using press releases

An Iraq-based Iranian opposition group that is fixated on conspiracy theories allegedly carried out attacks in Iran and elsewhere for decades, but now relies on a different weapon: the press release.The United Nations mission here, which has been attempting to facilitate the exit of some 3,400 members of the opposition People’s Mujahedeen Organization of Iran (PMOI) from Iraq, where they have been based for decades, has been the latest target of the group..

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The MEK’s Propaganda Machine

The record extends from the days it was killing Americans while opposing the shah, through supporting the hostage-taking at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, through the long period during which it was working for the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein. The record is not based just on what is said by the State Department or an intelligence agency or any governmental component with a policy to support, much less on anything the Iranian regime might say. If you want a recent independently reported portrait ..

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