Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Do not Trust MKO Fabrications

“It will be interesting to see how this plays out. It would not be the first time the Mujahedin al-Khalq has forced intelligence agencies and the press to scramble with an elaborate hoax. And, even if the evidence against the Islamic Republic is overwhelming, the fact that Iranian leaders can seize on past Mujahedin al-Khalq fabrications is ample reason not to trust anything the MKO says today either, no matter how many American and European officials are willing to embrace them.”

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Mek efforts to Make Anti-Iranian scenario Believable

Since the story of American accusing Iran of planning to assassinate the Saudi envoy in Washington, we can find more clues about the involvement of MeK lobbies which are connected with Israel in this scenario, and as the time passes, this alleged plot becomes more unbelievable and it is faced with more questions.Obviously, Rajavi remnants are extremely nervous and cluttered of rational questions of scholars, writers, journalists and intellectuals in America and around the world about accuracy of this scenario.

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Salon: Dean Taking Cash from MKO Terrorist Group

Dean and other luminaries from across the political spectrum have been paid vast sums of money by the MKO/MEK/PMOI – as much as $20,000 for a 10-minute speech – to appear at events pushing the Obama administration to remove the MKO from the official list of terrorist organizations.Dean himself has acknowledged being paid but has not disclosed specific sums.

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Iran exile group MEK seeks US terror de-listing

The group’s long list of detractors – and many Iran experts – warn against removing them from the terrorist list.In a 2009 report, Rand, a non-profit Washington think-tank, called the group a”cult”and”skilled manipulators of public opinion”.Based inside Iraq, at a camp called Ashraf, north of Baghdad, the MEK/MKO/PMOI has been on the US list of banned foreign terrorist organisations (FTO) since 1997.

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Mojahedin-e Khalq after 46 years

The MEK/MKO/PMOI leaders know full well that contrary to their claim, to be or not to be in the list does not strategically make much difference in their destiny since they are already in a fatal deadlock and they have no way out of it. The use of propaganda and publicity over the list of FTO is to retain the disappointed members both inside Ashraf garrison and those in the western countries, and to keep them busy. The struggle to be removed from the FTO list..

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Pols take paid speaking engagements in support of Iranian terror group

An Iranian political group designated by the State Department as a terrorist organization is offering large payments to orators willing to speak at events on their behalf. Among those with connections to the organization, Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) aka MKO/PMOI, are Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s chief foreign policy adviser and liberal politician Howard Dean.

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Who are the MKO demonstrators?

this time they[MKO/MEK/PMOI] have stooped to new lows: hiring the needy and desperate to do their dirty work, enlisting what seems like a busload of homeless to turn out in grand numbers for a spurious representation of support. It was purely a show of spectacular exploitation—the latest and greatest example of the MKO’s multi-million dollar effort to build support among Washington political elite,…

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Facts vs. Fiction and the MEK’s PR Campaign

The MEK’s ongoing delisting campaign is guided by the belief that the American public and the U.S. government are ignorant enough to believe its statements no matter how many times they’re proven false. The breathless claims of seeming support made by former U.S. officials are marketed by the MEK as a testament to its legitimacy, especially when these people conflate the human rights issue at the MEK’s base in Camp Ashraf near the Iran-Iraq border with its FTO delisting campaign…

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Buying Your Way Off The US Terrorist List

The MEK/MKO/PMOI is spending the big bucks to influence that decision.Private jets to speaking engagements and fees that range from $25,000 to $100,000 have gone to a wide political spectra of speakers..That these people would sell their names and reputations is shameful. The speaking fees are paid by local Iranian-American groups and contracts specifically state that “We are not a front organization for the MEK,” in a crude effort to skirt US laws regarding the support of terrorist organizations.

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