Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Interesting”Iranian-Americans”at the MEK Rally in DC!

If you have been wondering who among us Iranian-Americans supports the MEK and its delisting as a”foreign terror organization,”wonder no more. Meet The Great Lonnell and his 200 friends from his church in Staten Island, who attended a 1,000-1,500 person rally in DC on Friday.”We are here representing on behalf of the Iranian community,”The Great Lonnell told Foreign Policy’s The Cable.

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Patrick Kennedy Paid $25K To Speak At Rally For Controversial Iranian MEK

Kennedy wouldn’t tell Foreign Policy’s Josh Rogin whether or not he was paid to speak at the rally to remove the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) from the State Department list of foreign terror organizations. But asked by ThinkProgress, Kennedy replied that he had been paid $25,000…The MEK has been on the U.S. list of terror groups since 1997, which prevents members from traveling to or raising funds in the U.S….

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Attendees Don’t Really Understand What The MEK Is

..many apparent non-Iranians came out as well, most wearing flags, headbands, and even yellow vests with images of the group’s leaders — Maryam and Massoud Rajavi — on the chest. Of this group, few seemed to have many details about the MEK, and instead pledged vague notions of support for human rights and democracy, often even getting the name of the MEK/MKO wrong…Some of the attendees had been bused and flown in at no personal cost, receiving transportation and in some cases lodging and meals.

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Hundreds demonstrate in DC for Mojahedin Khalq

… Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell and former Rhode Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy were among those speaking in support of the Mujahedin-e Khalq. The midday crowd filled a a street outside the State Department for a rally with confetti and doves released into the air. The U.S. declared the group a terrorist body in 1997. But a court last year ordered the State Department to reconsider the designation. ..

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Some participants in the rally had no knowledge about MKO

Rally participants also included a number of non-Iranian-Americans. Several of them told RFE/RL they had little or no knowledge about the MKO.”We’ve come for Iranian people,”said one African-American.When asked whether he and his female companion received money to attend the rally, the woman first said yes, but then retracted her statement at the man’s behest..Western media have reported that former U.S. officials have received substantial financial contributions to speak at MKO events..

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MEK rally planned for Friday at State Department

So what is the MEK? Well, that depends on who you ask… The MEK/MKO/PMOI says it renounced violence in 2001 and professes to be leading the resistance to the Iranian regime. That claim, in addition to lucrative payments to former officials in both parties, has bought it a lot of attention and friends in Washington. But how can senior officials take money from a terrorist group?

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Supporters of Iranian resistance group rally at State Department

The protest took place as the State Department prepares to decide whether to remove the organization from its list of foreign terrorist organizations. The MEK denies that it supports terrorism…”If the MEK campaign is successful,”Trita Parsi, president of the National Iranian American Council said,”it means that America’s national security is officially on sale to the highest bidder, and terror groups are free to set U.S. policies if the price is right.”..

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The two-sided demonstration of MKO terrorists

The message that delisting the MKO will send to the public is on the one hand, the fact that you can buy everything in the US. You are able to consider a group a friend or a freedom fighter or a pro-democratic movement rather a terrorist communist cult, just if you are well paid by the group. On the other hand, removing the MKO from the list opens the door for other terrorist group’s lobbying efforts in the US government…

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CBC radio on Mujahideen-e-Khalq

A banned Iranian Terrorist group has been mounting a persistent and expensive lobbying campaign in both Canada and the United States to have its ban lifted. The Mujahideen-e-Khalq/MKO/MEK/PMOI has a violent past. Some describe the group as an authoritarian cult. But the group has supporters, including high profile current and former politicians who see MEK as a possible instrument of regime change in Iran.

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MKO Paying Huge Sums to Former US Officials to Exit Terror List

… The list of American luminaries doing a paid dance with the MKO is long and contains former top officials of both parties. For example, on the Democratic side of the aisle, former presidential candidate and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, and former Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana have given short and highly compensated speeches before the group. On the Republican side, former Homeland Security chief ..

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