Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Yves Bonnet’s French lawyers condemned MKO’s fake announcement

French lawyers of Yves Bonnet seriously condemned the group’s misinformation on his court ruling and reproached MKO/MEK/PMOI for distortion of the ruling.Following the biting failure of Yves Bonnet, former Head of French Secret Service, in French appeal court in Paris, Rajavi’s band set off for a disinformation campaign quoting fake words of Bonnet’s French lawyers…He was sentenced to pay penalty and publish an apology letter in three French newspapers.He was required by the court to mention in the letter of apology that his book was written under the orders of MKO. He also had to pay a 3000 – euro penalty.

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Mr. Karami Open Letter to President Obama

… Although the reports of DOS on MEK in 2005 and 2006 are not complete, they offer a few examples of numerous cult-like approaches of MEK. Today, considering valuable information on MEK published by DOS and DOD, including RAND report, the terrorist cult of MEK must not be allowed to spread lies and feed American politicians with its disinformation campaign. MEK’s re-designation as a foreign terrorist organization will disappoint the group and its propaganda machine. You may want to take a look at the group’s latest request made by its spokesman Ali Reza Jaafarzadeh to find out how its deceptive propaganda machine works …

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The Chameleon-like Mujahedin-e Khalq

MKO run diplomacy of deception and their opportunistic tactics are now fooling naïve Western sympathizers—so much that some sympathizers will lay down their political reputations for them, in the belief that they are supporting a legitimate alternative to the current regime in Iran. With an impressive ability to transform its image, the Mujahedin-e Khalq/MEK/PMOI has managed to court potential allies. They have tailored their principles to obtain sympathy from and stir the attention of neoconservative warmongers who would like to ..

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MKO Exploits Crisis for Propaganda

The recent clashes at Camp Ashraf were part of MKO’s propaganda campaign to buy support of the West. Iraqi Defense Ministry spokesman, Mohammad Al-Askari attended a new conference a day after clashes, he showed the media a metal hook used by residents of camp Ashraf to attack Iraqi security forces..Although the allegations of Iraqi officials and MKO propaganda on the case are entirely different, one thing is sure and that’s the victimization of a number of human beings whom unfortunately, among them there are intellectuals and educated people that have been caught in a destructive terrorist cult.

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The MKO Advertises—Does Anyone Care About What They Don’t Tell You?

With the MEK however, and the ad they ran in the *New York Times*, there was little or no resistance to its presence simply because not many people know about the MEK aka MKO/PMOI and not many people care. There was no dialogue to speak of, and yet there seems to be a growing concern over Iran. Why isn’t any one questioning this group?Here’s what you should know about the MEK. The group is a cult and it is true that members’ rights are being violated–by their own leaders, Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, not the US government, not the Iranian government and not the Iraqi government…

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US Officials Paid to Support Terrorist MKO

Two former high-profile US officials acknowledged that they had been paid by the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), to endorse de-listing the group from the US State Department’s list of terrorist groups, a report said.The report released by the Inter Press Service on Tuesday said that for years now, supporters of the anti-Iran terrorist group have lobbied in vain to have the organization taken off the US terrorism list.

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Mojahedin Khalq propaganda machine cannot hide the facts at Camp Ashraf

.. Rumsfeld gave ‘Pentagon protection’ to his terrorists in Iraq while the UN and ICRC expressed their concern over the issue and argued (fruitlessly) that the MEK is a paramilitary group, not a civilian population and this designation had no legal basis. But in any case the status would not apply after 2006, a year after the first elections in Iraq – a fact repeatedly corroborated by British, European and American officials…

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Iranian Prof: U.S. Support For MEK Would Anger Ordinary Iranians

..”The Mujahedin have absolutely no backing in Iran,”Sadri told TPM. He said he’d first become aware of the MEK 40 years ago, when he occasionally listened to the group’s clandestine radio shows, broadcast before the fall of the Shah. He described the MEK in its early days as a”vanguard organization.”Sadri, who moved from Iran to the U.S. in the mid-1970s to attend a Ph.D program at The New School, said”never heard a positive word uttered”about the MEK..

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MKO members hurt themselves to prevent investigation

… Iraq is a sovereign country. Iraqi will not allow the Mojahedin Khalq to remain in the country to carry out the dirty work of their backers in the US, EU or Israel. According to the Interior Ministry source, while the Government of Iraq is committed to the human rights of every individual, including the MKO/MEK/PMOI members in this camp, it is also committed to putting an end to this ridiculous situation of a camp where there is no school, no marriage, no work, no registry, no children, no visiting rights, and so on. ..

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No Aid from the West for MKO Cult

It’s difficult to believe that the MKO’s [MEK/PMOI] spying system is really more reliable than those of the most powerful and technologically advanced nations in the world. Alireza Jafarzadeh bases his recurring allegations on satellite photos that he presents. How can the MKO, a designated terrorist organization own a spying satellite and the US or other nations not know about it? Pentagon Spokesman Geoff Morrell told Agence France Presse,”I don’t know if this site is one that they have discovered that our intelligence experts have not seen.”He adds, “I find that hard to believe but we shall see.”

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