Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Maryam Rajavi, Taverny gathering and fruitless tumult

On July 26th, when MKO propaganda champagne held a gathering in Jean bouin stadium in a small town called Taverny, Maryam Rajavi had nothing to say except repeating her previous nonsense. She was even unable to present new ideas for MKO members. She could not suggest a solution for the mire MKO was stuck in although MKO made efforts to get rid of it… A look at thoughts and personality of this warmonger element reveals shocking facts to those who still have a sense of nationalism and patriotism..

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Victims in Camp Ashraf continue to suffer as MKO forces video performances

… Mohammad Karimi has been made to sit before a camera without his military uniform, he is seated somewhere like a gymnasium inside the garrison. His speech is marked by MKO-speak and cult jargon as he swears at and insults his own sister and the Prime Minister of Iraq. Karimi claims that he is at war with Iran and that Iran’s leader (Ayatollah Khamenei) and the Prime Minister of Iraq (Nouri Al Maliki) have been defeated simply by him sitting inside the camp and refusing to see his sister …

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MKO latest propaganda stunt against families

If Rajavi and his associates believe in the sincerity of their claims and that Mojahedin have cut all familial attachments for a greater cause, then, why are they afraid to let these veterans with such high morale meet with their families? It is really abominable to disregard rights of some old parents, wives and children who are tolerating all kinds of suffering to meet their sons, husbands and fathers enslaved, rather than being volunteer fighters, within a closed military camp.

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Whose rights is MKO concerned about?

Although the organization succeeded to bamboozle the EU into believing that it has denunciated terrorism to be removed from the list of terror, its maintenance on the US FTO and its open protest against the terrorist convicts explains its eagerness for the glorification of terror acts committed by parallel organizations now that it cannot openly get entangled in terrorist activities.

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MKO again feels sheepish!

It was just yesterday that Maryam Rajavi’s hasty message congratulating Iyad Allawi on his victory in Iraq’s general elections appeared on the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, aka MEK/PMOI) websites. Maryam Rajavi even did not wait for initial vote results before she congratulated both Allawi and Saleh Al-Mutlaq…her message was removed from the MKO website in a few hours!

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The Psychotic World of The Rajavi Couple and Their Marxist-islamic Cult

..Many Iranians view the MEK as traitors because the MEK supported Iraq’s terror invasion of Iran. .. the MEK/MKO/PMOI helped carry out Saddam’s brutal repression of Shiites and Kurds. So the MEK served Saddam Hussein, as even Daniel Pipes [who, though he’s a decent man who reveals a lot of facts, still falls for the MEK propaganda] admitted that “during its 17 years in Iraq, it also had to do Saddam Hussein’s bidding”.

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MKO denies Fatah report

On January 21, 2010, Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) news website reported that the official website of the Voice of Palestine (Fatah Movement) would remove all news regarding the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). The report also quoted Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as saying “no MKO news should be reported by Palestinian media”.

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Type of government MKO imagines of

Democracy is the term Mujahedin use in their speeches, messages, propaganda shows and court appeals. But they cannot remove the facts from history and the memoirs of millions of Iranians who witnessed the treasons MKO committed against their own country during the eight years of Iran-Iraq war. What’s MKO’s assessment about Iranian people? How can MKO/MEK/PMOI replace democratic slogans for its actions as Saddam’s notorious accomplice?

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MKO forges Lebanese girl photo

The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), an anti-Iran terrorist group, forged a photo, relating it to Tehran’s Ashura unrests.The MKO’s official website put a photo of a Lebanese girl with her head bleeding, claiming she had been injured in the midst of Tehran’s Ashura unrests on last Sunday, Habilian Association (families of terror victims) news website reported.

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A solution to counteract MKO misinformation

the Iraqi Government’s ultimatum reaching its final days, theMujahedin Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI is also preparing to confront, as it has already threatened, any move by the Iraqi forces against its bastion as it did in July that resulted in many casualties..While the Iraqi Government prefers not to run out of patience with the group to find a peaceful solution to end the issue..

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