Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

MKO misuse a religious occasion

Taking advantage of the occasion as usual, MKO aka MEK/PMOI hijacked the Shia Muslims Ashura event and a number of the group’s provoked and paid thugs tried to disturb the streets in Tehran by chanting anti-regime slogans that resulted in casualties including four deaths. The move was the outcome of a plot to initiate a vast propaganda to demonstrate the current ten-day lasting religious ceremonies in Iran as scenes of nationwide uprising against the regime that reached its climax on its last day…

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MKO angry backlash against transfer

Simultaneous with Iraqi Prime Minister’s remarks concerning “Transfer of Camp Ashraf residents to Nuqrat al-Salman”, MKO has started a vast propaganda blitz to show its strong opposition to the decision and blatantly tries tolerate the decision to a pressure from the Iranian regime on the Iraqi Government as it is the group’s typical..there are some facts in MKO’s published statement that demonstrate an open threatening tone and the possibility of a humanitarian catastrophe in Ashraf.

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The UN monitors the situation in Ashraf

Despite of attempts to demonize the Iraqi government to show a strong objection to the decisive decision of its expulsion from Iraq, Mojahedin-Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI) seems not to be intelligent enough to realize that it fails to dupe all the world as it has done with its own insiders. There are those who may be misled by its propaganda blitz that the Iraqi government has packed a number of innocent people inside an isolated camp just in the middle of a scorched desert ..

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NIAC issues statement against MKO misinformation campaign

NIAC has provided tens of thousands of documents and all its financial records in order to prosecute a defamation case against Hassan Dai[MKO/PMOI member]. Those documents prove the allegations made against NIAC are completely false. The judge denied Dai’s motion to dismiss the case on 18 out of 19 counts. Realizing this, the defendants have decided to maliciously leak those documents to a reporter at the Washington Times

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Hunger strikes, Mojahedin Khalq ploy in Iraq

.. The Iraqi judiciary system can well make use of former MKO members as live eyewitnesses to Mojahedin crimes by consulting them and using their statements for identifying the key MKO leaders in charge of all terrorist and cultic activities … The trial of the MKO members by Iraqi judiciary system for charges of assault and riotous assembly and resisting the lawful presence of Iraqi police in camp Ashraf that lead to the death of a number of Iraqi polices could turn into an all-out judgment on all crimes and misdeeds of Mojahedin inside Iraqi soil in recent decades

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MKO’s new propaganda show

Following their failure in the so-called hunger strike in Camp Ashraf ,London, New York … where Mujahedin Khalq didn’t succeed in drawing Western governments’ attention to their terrorist cult, last week they launched a new propaganda campaign in order that they could find the West’s sympathy by their new show.. the more Mujahedin play the role of spies for the West, the less they can find support among Iranian people.

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MKO financial assistance to a Ba’athi TV network

Where is this huge amount of funding come from?..An Iraqi news site announced that MKO has allocated 18 thousand dollars to a television network belonging to one of the members of the Iraqi Ba’ath Party Salih al-Mutlaq ..quoting from the Iraqi news site of Aljewar MKO/PMOI/MEK asked the authorities in Al babeliyah Television network, via providing them with financial helps, to intensify their propaganda against the Iran.

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Culture of taboo in MKO

Former members, journalists, politic men and political activists who criticize the cult of Rajavi, are all considered as the agents of Islamic Republic and therefore they deserve being boycotted. The leaders of People’s Mujahedin of Iran launch a large-scale propaganda campaign against them, turning their words into taboo words that no member of the cult dares listen to the critics since any word against MKO/PMOI/MEK is definitely from the side of Regime!

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