Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

How MKO uses the Internet to spread terrorism

all terrorist groups have their own websites on the Internet, serving their trained terrorists and supporters. They can use the Internet in numerous ways so the threat posed by cyber-terrorism is increasingly on the rise. As a terrorist cult-like group People’s Mujahedin of Iran ( PMOI,MKO, MEK),with its numerous websites uses the World Wide Web to launch its psychological warfare and propaganda ..MKO leader never talk about their cult-like practices toward their members. They never reveal the restrictions they place on their own members’ freedom of expression,

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MKO has huge medicine supplies

In last march Manouchehr Hezar Khani, a high-ranking member of MKO who lives in the Europe together with Maryam Rajavi and some other MKO members, published a book in which he referred to his recent visit to camp Ashraf.In a part of his book, hezar Khani referrers to Ashraf hospital and says:”Ashraf hospital is now the unique source for the treatment of patients within Ashraf city and fortunately,..According to the officials, the hospital is now able to treat all kinds of diseases , it was equipped by many sophisticated medical equipments and tools ..

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Most Ashraf residents willing to leave the Camp

A number of Mujahedin Khalq Organization members reportedly leave Camp Ashraf after Baghdad started a countdown to remove the group from Iraq. Some dissident MKO members aim to return to Iran as the terrorist organization has denied its members the right to choose an alternative place to stay.

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Mojahedin, Iraqi government and the future

There are some issues that have attracted the attention of the world toward MKO/PMOI/MEK. The settlement of Mojahedin in Iraqi soil and recently the recent statements made by Nouri Al-Maliki claiming that the Iraqi government refrains to deliver organization members to the Iranian government and seeks their transfer to a third country is another issue. The world is also encountering propaganda blitz of the organization on the position taking of the US in keeping on its control over Camp Ashraf and also the MKO’s petitioning the world to hew to international conventions concerning individual rights of MKO members

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A Piece of Advertisement to Buy Legitimacy

MKO considers advantages of the effectiveness of the media in its cult-like activities so important that it uses a number of methods to manipulate the media. Exploited beyond their main purpose, the media are practical instruments to fulfill MKO’s ambitions. Besides their utilization to augment psychological warfare and propaganda blitz, the media are turned into the means of diffusing ideological teachings directly and indirectly.

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MKO Terrorists feel for the victimizer

Reported by Iranian Fars News Agency originally in Persian, a man riding a bike hurled grenade toward a line of civilians who were moving as mourners of Ashura rituals in the Iranian eastern city of Torbat Jam on January 7, leaving a dead and a number of people wounded…Covering the report of the incident, the MKO-run media is taking the side of the attacker putting the blame on Iranian regime. It is not at all important that a man has been killed and many injured but what is of significance for them is that the regime is claimed to be “plotting to execute prisoners and dissidents”. Is it actually a granted permission to dissidents and opponents to kill people as a justified means to achieve their ends as MKO has followed the line itself?

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Holy Fighters in the Sidewalk

The demonstration in the airport is just the most recent activity of the expanded propaganda launched by the paramilitary Mujahedin Khalq Organization aka PMOI..Besides their fundraising activities in the sidewalk of European cities (Coln is one of the most important bases of MKO in Europe) they hold gatherings and demonstrations including the ones in the summer of 2003 that reached its summit with the suicide of two exiled Iranians..

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UN chief wrote no letter on MKO

UN chief Ban Ki-moon has dismissed a BBC report that he has sent a letter on the situation of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization /MKO/PMOI/MEK. ..The BBC had reported that Ban had voiced concern about the situation of some 3,500 MKO members, who live in Camp Ashraf in Iraq. The report said the UN chief has sent the letter to Iraq’s Foreign Minister on 15 October 2008.

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Is PMOI a democratic organization?

The self-assigned president of the so-called National Council Resistance (which is the political arm and the elegant admirable cover for MEK)without war and with a pen in hand wearing beautiful clothes, recently replied the Italian Newspaper ,Metro, the question on the solution to Iran problem ..

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The Irony of a Safe World

Using its large propaganda and lobby campaign in Europe and America, MKO or the so called PMOI has always wanted to convince the West to remove the group’s name from the list of terrorist entities, The NCRI website states that “to remove the PMOI from the terrorism list would make the world a safer place.”

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