Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

Illegality, Fundamental Crisis for Rajavi’s Gang

there’s a consensus against this group..Western governments, particularly the US and Western Europe, have concluded that the gang of Rajavi is a criminal cult whose claims of democracy are all meaningless and that it’s an anti-democratic movement. Therefore, they try to avoid supporting such a cult. They also repeat their positions occasionally to warn the supporters and agents of the group about their positions.

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MKO’s Propaganda for Boycotting Elections Fails

MKO’s call for boycotting the elections (city councils and assembly of the experts) is a formalist act with no result since the group believes in overthrowing the regime with all its bases. This move by the group can only be viewed as a propagandistic effort.That the MKO tries to separate Iranians from the state and opposed to the regime (the people who are waiting for a spark from MKO’s armed forces to overthrow the regime!) is an issue beyond contradictions and only proves unpopular the group is.

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Rajavi’s Visit to Belgium Unimportant

Massoud Khodabandeh, former senior member of MKO who now runs”Iran-Interlink”in the UK, said to IRNA on Thursday:”Some Belgian politicians use isolated elements to press Iran and to get what the West wants from Iran.”Khodabandeh said the visit of MKO’s self-claimed president to Belgium Senate by the informal invitation of some minor politicians in that country was a propagandistic effort from unimportant groups in that country that are seeking fame…

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News Censored by Rajavi’s Gang

Immediately after the Islamic revolution (in 1979), MKO leaders pretended to be boycotting governmental press in order to block their members’ and supporters’ access to free media. This kind of censorship was expanded in the following years and took a different shape when the MKO members were restricted to Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

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Funny Figures!

Once someone said:”I wonder why all MKO female members arrested by the regime are pregnant and have to abort?”This is because the lie has been repeated by the MKO. This has even been said about unmarried girls!Everyone in Evin prison knows well that Mojgan Homayoonfar lost her leg in a car accident, but the gang of Rajavi used this in the UN to prove that there was torture in the Iranian prisons!

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A Dictated Statement in Support of Terrorists

The signed statement is all compiled and prepared by MKO itself because the stated points are exactly what the group intends to pose against the drafted national reconciliation plan. As a proof, please have a look at this excerpt from the statement claimed to be issued by the above mentioned tribal leaders where MKO are referred to as promising to be good boys since they have rejected violence

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A Meeting of Friends of Terrorism

Facing its most crucial days in Iraq, MKO gets advantage of any chances to muster sympathizers and supporters to reaffirm its status as political refugees in Iraq. As the organization is banned, under the adopted anti-terrorism laws, to hole open rallies and meetings …

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MKO’s New Cause of Anger

The recently published book Mojahedin Khalq Organization; Arising & the End is a celebrated and collective work of some Iranian researchers unveiling many facts on the formation and activities of MKO. The three volumes work is mainly a research based on existing evidences many of which are included.

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