Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s Propaganda System

MKO’s Desperation

In a realistic view, this is an invalid claim than can get no attention and independent newswires, governments, political institutions and parliamentarians approach such claims with scoff.
On the other hand, MKO with a few non-MKO members of the council (called NCRI), faces a major problem: having no supporter in Iran.

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Iraq Occupation, Vital for MKO

“Following the comments of Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani on the expulsion of terrorist MKO from Iraq, this organization initiated its propagandistic efforts and by misinterpreting the comments of Mr. Mashhadani and other Iraqi officials claimed that these are diplomatic rhetoric (between Iran and Iraq). In this regard, MKO resorted …

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A letter to Lord Fraser

After having met Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the religious leader of the Iranian People´s Mojahedin, a woman that is representing herself as being the elected president of Iran, you are reported in their journal „Mojahed“, No. 803 dating May, 15th 2006, to have said that in your opinion MKO would not be a terrorist organisation and you would be supporting the organisation in their way of bringing the Iranian government to fall.

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Survivors’ Report- Editorial (No. 22)

News of the imminent disbandment of the group there prompted a flurry of activity among the MKO’s legion of lawyers in an effort to create more bluster and bluff. Exactly as when the Iraqi interim government voted to have the group expelled from Iraq in December 2003. The MKO’s ‘demand’ – if it were in a position to make any such demand – has been for the total 3000+ combatants based in Iraq to be moved wholesale to another base, in another country

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Open Letter to U.S. Ambassador in Canada

some of the Mojahedin-e- Khalq’s members enter into U.S. illegally by using fake identification. The MEK also perform this protest gathering under different names titles for their deceiving political activity protection such as: The National Liberation Army of Iran (NLA) . The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) ….

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Letter to Charles Falconer

The “Mojahedin Khalgh Organization” was recognized as a terrorist group by the United States of America once again in October 2005. This organization also uses several fictitious names such as: “National Freedom Army”, “Muslim Student Association and National Resistance Organization” to distract the attention of the western world. However, all of the above names were added to the official terrorism list. Your government along with the European Union emphasizes to continue on fighting against terrorism.

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Iran Focus: The MKO Propaganda Machine

..Relying on news sources by hard line monarchists and the MKO, is about choosing an agency that absolutely lies or exaggerates incidents in order to enhance their own political objective….Iran Focus along with its sister site Iran Terror (look at the website designs and stories as well as the website for the MKO and you can easily see they’re created by the same designer) are registered in London and Paris respectively. In fact both organizations, including the MKO, tried to allege that the Human Rights Watch report illustrating all the human rights abuses committed by the organization…

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A Cult is Trying to Hijack Our Iran Policy

most of them Iranian Americans or exiles, recently flocked to Washington … the march seemed like a protest by concerned Iranians who supported regime change in Iran. In reality, it was a meticulously orchestrated political rally in support of a violent, pseudo-Marxist Iranian religious cult –

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