Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

How ‘Terrorists’ Become ‘Freedom Fighters’

World-renowned critic of US foreign policy and host of the popular syndicated radio program Alternative Radio, David Barsamian, also said that the MEK/MKO/PMOI is far from popular in Iran and is commonly misconstrued as being so only by hardliners while beating the drums for further ventures of US imperialism. In fact Barsamian explained that when such advocates of these types of policies use terms like”democracy,”or”freedom,”they often mean just the opposite.

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Sarkozy proposed transport to MKO terrorists

the cult forced families of recruits to attend the demonstrations in European countries, threatening them to kill their dear ones. MKO/MEK/PMOI, which has neither root nor public support in Iran, recruits young Iranian teenagers living in exile, often a little flustered, to indoctrinate them and then force them to join the cult…You can ask yourself whether the decision made in Brussels is really going in the direction of its so-called commitment to fight for human rights and combat terrorism. It seems that there are double standards in EU policies..

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Study faults US handling of MKO terrorists in Iraq

A recent report by the RAND Corporation, a prominent think tank that does research for the US Government, illustrate that Washington committed a judgmental error when dealing with the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) in Iraq… To make matters worse, the group, who had a long history of trickery, had asserted that it had not engaged coalition forces in combat. Officers responsible for detaining the MKO accepted this claim, even though at least one special-forces-casualty had resulted from combat with the group.

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Terrorism transformed

…The report of RAND on MKO, regardless of unexpected events due to the hidden aspects of the true nature of Mojahedin, can be considered an evidence of conservative and ambiguous behavior of the US toward MKO The lack of a defined relationship between the US and Mojahedin is the main mistake made by the Americans….Rajavi has resorted to cultic levers like hunger strike and using human shields in camp Ashraf and it is simple-mindedness to dismiss the possibility of Mojahedin’s committing other terrorist activities.

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Open letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury

Secretary General of Habilian Association wrote an open letter to the leader of the Anglican Church in a response to his recent support of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, aka PMOI).”Your support of a terrorist cult highly involved in genocide in Iraq and killing more than 12000 innocent Iranian people surely means supporting their crimes,”Mohammad Javad Hashemi Nejad said in his letter to Rowan Williams..On September 20, the Archbishop of Canterbury issued a statement highlighting his concerns for the residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

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US support terrorists in Iraq, breaches security pact

A Washington call on Baghdad to go easy on a terrorist group has sparked outrage among a number of Iraqi parties, who deem it in violation of an interim security pact signed between the two states..Adnan al-Seraj, the head of the Center for Iraq Media Development, on Wednesday described the US embassy’s support for the MKO as an apparent violation of the principle of the Washington-Baghdad security pact, and called for the immediate expulsion of MKO/MEK/PMOI members.

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The global lack of interest in MKO

Despite Mojahedin’s attempt to exaggerate their status in international scene, the European countries even fail to recognize the legitimacy of Mojahedin/MKO/MEK/PMOI as an opposition. This paradoxical policy taken by the West has its roots in political considerations and can be discussed in depth. The unstable and hopeless situation of MKO in the past three decades proves that no country consents to support Mojahedin ..The problems Mojahedin have created for European countries in last three decades and the considerable costs paid for their expelling from Iraq ..

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Call for an end to MKO hunger strike

The Archbishop of Canterbury has called for an end to a hunger strike outside the US Embassy in London by supporters of the terrorist Mujahedeen-e-Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI)… Residents of the camp claim that an Iraqi raid there in July left several people dead. The demonstrators in London, meanwhile, are asking Washington to reclaim responsibility for Camp Ashraf.. The US military officially turned control of the camp — which houses MKO members regarded by NATO forces as protected under the Geneva Conventions — to the new Iraqi government on January, 2009.

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Dr. Rowan William support for Saddam’s Private army

… The People’s Mujahedeen, an Islamic movement, was founded in 1965 in opposition to the shah of Iran. It has subsequently fought to oust the clerical regime which took power in the 1979 Islamic revolution. The group set up Camp Ashraf in the 1980s — when former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was at war with Iran — as a base to operate against the Tehran government … Williams, who met a group of Ashraf supporters last week, urged protesters in Britain to end their hunger strike in support of the camp residents..

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Inept at Both Killing and Coddling Terrorists

Washington is angry at Baghdad because Iraqi troops recently stormed a camp north of Baghdad belonging to the Mujahideen-e-Khalq[MKO/MEK/PMOI]…Even after the U.S. turned Saddam from friend to foe, it continued his policy of befriending the enemy of the enemy. Hawkish members of Congress shilled for the Mujahideen, despite reports that the group had become a cult. Defectors were telling horror stories of devotees being indoctrinated, forced to live gender-separated lives, and of families being broken up.

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