Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

The dual policy of the US in dealing with MKO

The American court accuses MKO sympathizers up to 20 years of imprisonment for giving financial aid to Mojahedin while the head and body of the organization are settled in Iraq under the support of the US disregarding their apparent interference in internal affairs of Iraq..The US government has to accept the truth that if Mojahedin(MKO/MEK/PMOI) are terrorist and dangerous, then all nations and governments have the right to confront them

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Perception of British support for MKO terrorist cult

.. although a resolution pushed through the European Parliament by the MKO’s promoters there has already been watered down to nothing by opponents. ..In this ‘game’ it must be understood clearly that the MKO is not a problem for Iran. Instead it is a very real problem for Iraq. MKO/PMOI/MEK promoters have already shown a remarkable unwarranted animosity and arrogance toward the Government of Iraq in challenging its decision to close Camp Ashraf and remove MKO members from the country …

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Israeli point man on Iran gets the boot

One of the Israeli Defense Ministry’s most senior advisors, Lubrani spearheaded a torrent of conspiracies in Iran. He has vocally and actively pursued a regime change in Iran, calling for investment in Iranian terrorist groups such as the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO). MKO is a Marxist-Islamist guerilla army which was founded in Iran in the 1960s. They were exiled some twenty years later for performing numerous acts of terrorism in the country.

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Britons support PMOI in letter to Obama

Though largely targeting Iranian government officials, PMOI’s(MKO, MEK, Mojahedin Khalq, Rajavi cult) killing of American contractors in Tehran in the 1970s, participation alongside Saddam Hussein’s forces in suppressing Kurdish and Shiite rebellions in Iraq in 1991 and later attacks on Iranian embassies in 1992 earned it a spot on the terrorist lists of several nations … President Bill Clinton included the PMOI on the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organizations list in 1997 following the election of Khatami.

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US “War on Terror” Not About Terrorism

Aslan, 35, who spoke Monday before a packed audience at the World Affairs Council in San Francisco to promote his latest book How to Win a Cosmic War: God, Globalization, and the End of the War on Terror, discussed religious ideology and extremism and its destructive impact on the world…the former Bush administration’s self-proclaimed “War on Terror” was never about terrorism. If it were, Aslan argues, the war would have included terrorist groups like ETA , or the Iranian group Mujahideen-e-Khalq..

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The terrorist challenge of MKO and the West

The present challenge posed on the west by MKO is a strategic one with idealism and self-interests as its two ends. It is almost two and half a decade that MKO has turned problematic for the west as an armed, ideological, cultic and radical opposition group. The recent regional transitions as well as invasion of Iraq by coalition forces followed by the fall of Saddam in particular have proved that this predicament is worsening ever-increasingly. In this regard, this challenge can be investigated in three different but interrelated fronts: Iran, Iraq, and West.

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Maryam Rajavi’s cult representative in European Parliament

Unfortunately, those who know the MKO best, particularly its victims in Iraq, when they see the orchestrated and vigorous insistence on lies and deception cannot be blamed for believing in the corruptibility of parliament and that these MPs must be being paid for their activities … With the withdrawal from European politics of Portugal’s Paulo Casaca, Maryam Rajavi – who is following a Zionist-style regime change agenda – has apparently selected a replacement in the shape of Spanish MEP Alejo Vidal-Quadras ..

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US wants Mojahedin Khalq terrorists in Iraq but not in the US

… Hossein Kalani Afshari, 52, of Mission Viejo and his six co- defendants each face up to 20 years in federal prison for helping raise money for Mujahedin-e Khalq, or MEK, a militia largely based in Iraq … … California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: …protect the lives and the physical and moral integrity of the residents of Camp Ashraf”-home to the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Iraq- and”to treat them in accordance with obligations under the Geneva Conventions…

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EU urges Obama to support terror cult

More than 100 members of the European Parliament have tried to persuade the US president to lift an American ban on the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK), AFP reported on Thursday. The MKO, which identifies itself as a Marxist-Islamist guerilla army, was founded in Iran in the 1960s but was exiled some twenty years later for carrying out numerous acts of terrorism inside the country.

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US has not changed its regime change policy

This is a government with a long and continuing history of support for Saddamists in Iraq in the hope that they can be paid to foment and maintain hostilities against Iran. By far the most blatant example of this is that from 2003 until now the US has desperately tried to keep together what is left of the Mojahedin-e Khalq at Ashraf terrorist camp (the MKO is on the US’s own list of terrorist entities) against the wishes of the Government and people of Iraq and against the human rights of the people inside the camp

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