Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

US Army Transfers Top PMOI Terrorists

The US military has transferred the senior members of terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization from Ashraf camp north of the Iraqi capital as it handed over the camp to Iraqi forces, an Iraqi Foreign Ministry source said. .The Iraqi army replaced American troops in taking control of Ashraf camp a few days ago.

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US relocates MKO leaders for protection

US forces have relocated leading members of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) after Iraqi authorities took control of their camp. Following a decision by the Iraqi government to take over the security of the MKO / PMOI headquarters, the US forces relocated selected members of the organization.

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IPC: Pentagon or Terrorist Funding?

The Iran Policy Committee (IPC) promotes the Iranian Communist MEK (MKO, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi Cult, or Pol Pot of Iran) terrorists, the murders of American military officers, Rockwell International employees, and large numbers of Iranians and Iraqis. The United States State Department has listed the MEK as a Marxist terrorist organization since the administration of former President Bill Clinton.

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Terrorism and British hypocrisy

Legislators approved the decision of the Court of Appeal, which ruled in May that the MKO, which has been guilty of many bloody terrorist attacks in Iran for 30 years, should no longer be listed as a proscribed group. It killed several of Iran’s new leaders in the early years after the 1979 revolution and backed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in the 1980-1988 war with Iran. …The decision gives the group more freedom to organize and raise money in Britain.

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CIA actively supporting Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists

… Scott Ritter published a long article for an online magazine in which he claimed that the CIA has been actively involved in supporting an Iranian resistance group that’s responsible for repeated acts of sabotage-with all too deadly consequences-inside Iran. Oddly enough, the group, the Mujahadeen-e Khalq, is listed as a terrorist organization by our own State Department. The MEK /MKO /PMOIworked with Saddam Hussein and even fought as his ally in the war against their own countrymen. But the MEK shares the same goal as the Bush-Cheney administration: regime change in Teheran. So they’re useful for American purposes. When’s a terrorist not a terrorist? When he’s on your side …

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The lies of Hiroshima live on

… the lies of justification grow more outrageous. Iran is the current”threat”. But Iran has no nuclear weapons and the disinformation that it is planning a nuclear arsenal comes largely from a discredited CIA-sponsored Iranian opposition group, the MEK(Mujahedin e Khalq )- just as the lies about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction originated with the Iraqi National Congress, set up by Washington …

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America Is Already Committing Acts of War Against Iran

… The organization represents no state and can be found on the U.S. State Department’s list of terrorist organizations, yet since the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, the MEK/PMOI has been under the protection of the U.S. military. Its fighters are even given”protected status”under the Geneva Conventions. The MEK says its members in Iraq are refugees, not terrorists. And yet one would be hard-pressed to find why the 1951 Geneva Convention on Refugees should confer refugee status on an active paramilitary organization that uses”refugee camps”inside Iraq as its bases …

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Expert outlines reasons for US and UK support to MEK

the starting point for the ideological problems of the Monafeqin with the people and the political system was something inherent in the nature and essence of that group in the first place. …America and Britain have tried to preserve the Monafeqin organization as one of the forces which are hostile to the Islamic Republic system of Iran, even though they know very well that this organization does not enjoy any influence and impact on the Iranian domestic affairs

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