Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

The Risk of a US-Iran Proxy War

NIAC held a briefing yesterday on Capitol Hill to shed light on the risk of a possible proxy war between the USA and Iran through various sectarian and political groups in Iran and Iraq, including the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). The event featured Col. Sam Gardiner (Ret.), an expert on strategy and military organizations.

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US funding anti-Iran terror groups

Writing in the New Yorker magazine, Hersch said the tempo of operations against Iran has escalated in recent months, with cross border raids by US Special Forces, and the funding of indigenous armed oppositon groups ..Another group allegedly benefitting from the fund is the Iraq-based opposition Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO aka PMOI)..The group was attacked by US forces during the 2003 invasion, but now reportedly benefits from American support.The Iraqi government has ordered the MKO to lay down its weapons and leave the country.

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In Bed with Terrorists

“Hell-bent on regime change in Iran, some neoconservative hawks are lobbying the Bush administration to support an organization designated as a terrorist group by the State Department.”
A battle is brewing within the ranks of neoconservatives in Washington. Public flashes of private quarrels are uncommon among this rarefied circle of uber-hawks, who have been unanimous in shaping and supporting the Bush administration’s aggressive foreign policy. Yet they find themselves at odds over the most unlikely of issues: an Iranian terrorist group called PMOI or MKO.

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Looking for a few good spies

Behind her smile is a saleswoman’s savvy — and a revolutionary’s zeal to prove that she and her mysterious husband, Massoud Rajavi, are neither cultists nor terrorists. Maryam Rajavi is demanding that the exile groups they lead together, centered on the Mujahedin-e Khalq (People’s Holy Warriors) or MEK for short, should be taken off the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations, their assets unfrozen and their energies unleashed.

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Does a Ruling Change the Truth?

Would it ever acquit a criminal of his committed crime if he merely washed off his blood-stained hands? In the same way, the removal of a terror tag from a notorious terrorist group with a long history of perpetrated terrorist atrocities against a nation will not change anything. Some may congratulate Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) for the ruling to be removed from the UK terror list and some may be shocked and dismayed

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Arming Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists

… According to a report by Counterpunch magazine, the US president signed a secret finding in March authorizing a covert offensive against Iran which called for the arming and funding of terrorist groups, such as the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) and Jundallah (Army of God) …

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U.K., U.S. and Israel have a duty to grant safe haven to Mojahedin-e Khalq

The Iraqi administration issued a statement on June 17, 2008 designating the Mojahedin-e Khalq as a terrorist organization and calling on the U.S. to stop supporting the militant group. June 19, Al Alam television aired a discussion on the issue on its ‘Iraq Today’ programme. The programme titled ‘Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorists and American support’ was presented by Ali Al Sadi.

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The Beaten Bargaining Chip

Those Western countries that suggest MKO as an alternative definitely pursue accomplishment of their own ambitions vis-à-vis Iran than thinking of any democratic solution in favor of Iranian people. There are broadly stated comments that corroborate what the West precisely follows by decisions to de-proscribe the terrorist MKO.

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Neo-Con General Calls for Terror Attacks in Iran

McInerney’s frothing desire to see women and children blown to bits in the streets of Tehran may have something to do with the fact that”McInerney is on the Board of Directors for several companies with defense-related contracts that would seem to benefit from his pro-war propaganda. For example, Alloy Surfaces Company (ASC), whose contracts for “ammunition and explosives” with the Department of Defense appear to have grown from $15 million in 2002 to more than $169 million in 2006. A conflict of interest, perhaps?”

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