Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

Questions over American policy toward MEK in Iraq

It is clear that the group has deliberately been kept intact for five years and the obvious reason this would be done is so the group can be re-armed at some point and re-deployed against Iran – this time not by Saddam Hussein but by the US Administration. Last December American forces removed half the MKO dissidents from the TIPF adjacent to Camp Ashraf.

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Bush: Thou shalt kill Iranians

US President George W. Bush has reportedly authorized a covert operation to set the stage for a military offensive against Iran. According to Counterpunch magazine, President Bush signed a secret finding in March authorizing a covert offensive against Iran, which those familiar with its contents believe to be ‘unprecedented in its scope’.

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The use of proscribed Terrorist Mojahedin Khalq

ALseyassah exposes the use of proscribed Terrorist Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) by CIA and Pentagon in Iraq while keeping them on the terrorist list inside US! The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Mohammad-Ali Hosseini, on Sunday denounced the US for supporting terrorism in Iraq.

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The Week on the Hill; Lobbying & Law

“Never has the old adage ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’ been more true than in the case of the MEK,”he wrote in The Hill in July. And in The Washington Times in December, Armey wrote,”With a stroke of the pen, the secretary of State could, and should, remove the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq and the National Council of Resistance of Iran from the list of foreign terrorist organizations.”

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Arming proscribe terrorist organisations like Mojahedin Khalq

Larijani said that talks were held three times with Iran. Iran has presented a coherent programme to help Iraq but the Americans are conducting certain bizarre approaches such as arming non-military groups some 70,000 in number. He drew parallels between this policy and arming the Mojahedin Khalq fighters and Pezhak in Kordestan. He called this serious. He said that this tactic will not change the realities of Iraq.

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Petraeus’s dubious sources also include the ragtag Mujaheddin-e Khalq (MEK), a micro-terrorist group that used to be harbored by Saddam Hussein inside Iraq and now is protected by the Americans in Diyala province. So from Saddam’s terrorists the MEK are now elevated to the status of”our”terrorists.

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Dubious Sources of Disinformation Campaign

..In his propaganda blitz, Petraeus resorts to information provided by notorious terrorist groups that have long been listed on the State department’s FTO. As the article points out, “Petraeus’s dubious sources include the ragtag Mujaheddin-e Khalq (MEK), a micro-terrorist group that used to be harbored by Saddam Hussein inside Iraq and now is protected by the Americans …

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Mojahedin Khalq the US-backed Terrorists

Dismantling the MEK paramilitary forces would be an effective way to signal US readiness to accommodate Tehran, suggested Abbas Maleki, an adviser to the National Security Council, since it is the only militarised exile group seeking to overthrow the Islamic Republic and is the darling of the Washington lobby for regime change in Iran.

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Council of Europe consults terrorists

“Iran does not understand why the Council of Europe consults with a group that has been labeled ‘terrorist’ by France, the US and even the Council itself and is on the Interpol’s wanted list,”Hadad-Adel said.”Regrettably, however, the media today is controlled by people who don’t want Iran’s voice to be heard.”

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