Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

Why the US granted ‘protected’ status to Iranian terrorists

This strange twist, analysts say, underscores the divisions in Washington over US strategy in the Middle East and the war against terrorism. It’s also a function of the swiftly deteriorating US-Iran dynamic, and a victory for US hawks who favor using the Mujahideen-e Khalq Organization (MKO) or”People’s Holy Warriors,”as a tool against Iran’s clerical regime.

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Saudi-Israel-US Triangle Supports MKO terrorists

the sources added:”These groups have certainly received the missiles but it’s not clear whether CIA has been directly involved or its Israeli mercenaries in Mossad have helped the rebels.””Israel has around 400 ground-to-air Singer missiles and it might have provided Pezhak and other Iranian opposition groups- acting against the Iranian army …

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Zucker’s List: Enemies of the Rajavi Cult Terrorists

Professor Rabbi Daniel Zucker, a promoter of the Iranian Communist MEK (MKO, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi Cult, or Pol Pot of Iran) terrorists, has made a new list of the enemies of this evil cult. It is a high honor to be placed on a list of enemies of these communist terrorists who have murdered American military officers, …

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Hypocrisy and state-sponsored terrorism

It seems that Bush believes the policy of threats and intimidation is the only one that is effective. Now that he has realized that such threats cannot influence Iran’s policy in the least, he has resorted to economic levers, which can affect only the Iranian people. U.S. officials have defined the U.S. policy toward Iran as a cold war ..

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Move America Forward: Softballs on Hardball

In the lead up to the illegal invasion of Iraq , the Bush Administration asserted that Iraq possessed massive stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction and that it was capable of launching an attack – nuclear, chemical and biological – on U.S. the within 45 minutes.

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Indecent Visions-Zucker,Horowitz and MKO Communist Terrorists

On August 1, 2007, FrontPage Magazine published “Hat in Hand” by Professor Rabbi Daniel M. Zucker, a supporter of the Rajavi Cult, who concluded after promoting a terrorist organization on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations: “With a track record of twenty-eight years of lies, deceit, obfuscation and terror, the Iranian regime’s modus operandi should be clear to all with decent vision. For those still failing to see it, my glasses are available for the asking.”

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U.S.’s Hypocrisy

former CIA counter terrorism officer, in an interview on 24th July with Anti War Radio debunked the NeoCons’ repeated myth of Iran’s support for AlQaeda as a pretext for war. Whilst acknowledging Iran’s helpfulness in trying to establish security in both Afghanistan and Iraq, Giraldi spoke of the United States’ hypocritical and illegal support for terrorist separatists groups inside Iran

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MKO terrorists marketing themselves

While it should be a non-interventionist approach to keeping in good standing among nations and being as firm as is reasonably necessary, the neocon version of US-Middle East foreign policy has instead been the bullying and preemptively violent m.o. of a few enterprising mafia Dons pimping out the neighborhood for The Family.

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US planning coup against Iraqi government

former Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jafari, came under heavy pressure from US officials to stop his criticism of the widespread and unwarranted interference by Washington in Iraqi domestic affairs. Later the United Iraqi Alliance led by Abdul Aziz al-Hakim was forced to replace al-Jafari with al-Maliki.

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