Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

Americans Appease the MKO in Iraq

After General Abdulkarim Al-Rabiee asked Baqubah refugees to return to their homes following the restoration of security in parts of the area, residents said that security won’t be established in the city while American forces appease terrorist groups including Mojahedin Council, Ansar al-Sunnah and Mojahedin-e khalq

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A row and nothing more

The operations are controversial because they involve dealing with movements that resort to terrorist methods in pursuit of their grievances against the Iranian regime. The report further elucidates that a row has also broken out in Washington over whether to”unleash”the military wing of the Mojahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), an Iraq-based Iranian opposition group with a long and bloody history of armed opposition …

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Traitors’ Game in Iraq

With a brief look at Americans’ activities since the fall of Saddam’s regime and the occupation of Iraq, we realize that they have found Iraq a safe place for their shameful business, which can be seen in their dirty policies and cunning decision. Therefore, all Iraqis- except a few whose interests are tied with those of occupiers- are against the occupation and oppose the occupiers, calling for their exit.

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Neoconservatives Split Over Support for the Rajavi Cult

The level of dishonesty and of stupidity of the major American media has reached a point where one neoconservative must expose the lies of another neoconservative at FrontPage Magazine.FrontPage Magazine published today Kenneth R. Timmerman’s “No Second Marriages in Iran” to correct the lies of another neoconservative, Daniel Pipes.

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giant leap in wrong direction

The mission described as”a definite misnomer”the appellation”democratic”for the MKO terrorist group, saying,”The MKO has an eclectic ideology that blends Stalinist Marxism and militant leftism with ossified interpretations of Islam (like Al Qaeda), espousing the idea of urban guerrilla warfare.”The letter called on the authors to pay attention that”it is not only the US government but also the European Union which have branded the MKO as terrorist,

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Political Action Committee Contributions to PMOI Terrorist Supporters

a full-page advertisement appeared in the New York Times (page A19): 150 Members of U.S. Congress Declare Support for the People’s Mojahedin (PMOI), Call for an End to Iran’s Terrorist Regime. This advertisement contained the names of only 6 of the signers of the Iran Statement: Democrats Bob Filner (California), Sheila Jackson-Lee (Texas), Edolphus Towns (New York); Republicans Lincoln Diaz-Balart (Florida), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Florida), Tom Tancredo (Colorado).

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Supporting Terrorists

These include the CIA overthrow of the democratically elected government of Mohammed Mossedegh, the US support of the oppressive regime of the Shah, the attack on the US embassy and the subsequent hostage crisis and US support of Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war.

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Two Agendas: Why Iran, U.S. Stand Far Apart

For its part, Washington claims Iran is backing Iraqi insurgent groups that are attacking U.S. forces and wants it to stop. But the Iranians are countering with demands, both in public and through private channels, that the Bush administration break up an Iranian terrorist group, the Mujahedin e-Khalq, or MEK, that opposes the Iranian government and is being sheltered by U.S. forces in Iraq near the Iranian border, senior U.S. officials and academics said.

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How CIA funds various organizations in regions of crisis?

Millions of non- Persian minority have been together in Iran since several centuries and now they are against Islamic regime. The biggest minority is Arabs of Ahvaz which is consisted of sixteen million people, twenty-five percent of Iranian residents. Like Turkey and Iraq, there are also millions of Kurds living in Iran. And a million of Baluchi people who are mostly living near Pakistani borders. The majority of Baluchies are Sunnis who are supporting Jundallah, a nationalist movement,

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The US and the Issue of Terrorism in Iraq

The US is well aware of the fact that MKO, long supported by Saddam and his accomplice in many crimes, surrendered its arms only when it was forced to and had no other choice. The group has been on the State Department’s list of Terrorist Organizations since it was first initiated in 1997. However, the group is under the US protection at a time when Iran is rebuked for helping the groups with no terrorist identity on the State Department.

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