Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

U.S. protects Iranian opposition group in Iraq

the U.S. State Department officially considers the MEK a terrorist organization — meaning no American can deal with it; U.S. banks must freeze its assets; and any American giving support to its members is committing a crime.The U.S. military, though, regularly escorts MEK supply runs between Baghdad and its base, Camp Ashraf.

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Bush Hypocrisy?

Yet even as recently as 2003 there have been reports of political support for the MKO by members of the U.S. Congress – across party lines I must say – including the reputable Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colorado) and Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas).

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CNN: US backing Iran’s Mujahedeen Khalq rebels

it seems this is being done because coalition forces regard MEK as protected people under the Geneva Conventions.”The coalition remains deeply committed to the security and rights of the protected people of Ashraf,”U.S. Maj. Gen. John D. Gardner wrote in an official document in March 2006.

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The Cult of Mojahedin Is No Political Weight

.. MKO could never be considered as a potential political faction to steer Iran in its political career neither before nor after the Iranian revolution….All they did before the revolution was scanty terrorist operations against Shah’s agents and the American businessmen and military advisors inside Iran as well as a number of their estates. What they did after the revolution proved that they could never be trusted as a political weight to have any role in Iran’s ruling hierarchy.

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The Terrorists Swearing an Oath to Democracy

For years MEK had launched cross-border attacks and terrorist acts against Iran with the support of Saddam Hussein. Officially designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department in 1997, and disarmed of heavy weaponry by the U.S. military six years later, Washington has since come to view MEK in a different light……Accusing MEK of past involvement in repressive measures by former president Saddam Hussein, the current Iraqi government wants to close down Camp Ashraf, located well outside of Baghdad, where many of the MEK fighters are stationed. But the camp operates under the protection of the U.S. military, and American soldiers chauffeur MEK leaders.

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Some Westerners Support MKO; Why?!

Early February, 35 British Parliament members asked the government officially to lift the name of MKO from the Britain’s list of terrorist organizations. This group was headed by Lord Corbett, member of House of Lords from Labour Party, who’s collecting signatures to force Home Office to present its reasons for designating the MKO as a terrorist group.

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Mojahedin a bargaining chip

For two decades it was one of the oddest armies on the earth. Prevailed to overthrow the ayatollahs in Iran, The widow Maryam Rajavi stuck amongst fanatical devotion. She is accused by some of running a crew, a manipulative cult. The America which protects the now-disarmed fighters in Iraq can’t decide what to do about them, it runs the people Mujahedin, also known as MEK or MKO as terrorists but according to some politicians it is still a potential ally…
The organization believe that they can survive here under the protection of Geneva and again one day play a big role in the Iranian political scene but as Tehran strengthens its influence in Iraq and the US runs an eventual plan the Mujahedin’s time must have been running out.

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Timmerman’s New Plan for Regime Change

Strongly denouncing the recommendation of the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group that the United States should engage in direct talks with Syria and Iran, Timmerman praises the Bush administration’s increased commitment to Iran regime change through support of dissidents inside and outside of Iran and believes that the United States must devote serious assets to helping pro-democracy forces to help the regime change.

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US’s New Strategy and the MKO

Bush and his team have for long focused on getting out of Iraq in a proper way so as to save the face of the US.This plan has also other dimensions including giving more authority to the Iraqi government and accepting regional policies of President Talabani and Prime Minister Maliki.Some may think that the US wants to start more wars in the region, but the evidence doesn’t support this idea….

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