Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

Bipartisan Members of Congress File Brief

According to the brief, Congress feared that, in enacting the law which allows the government to designate terrorist organizations and prosecute those who support them, it would abridge First Amendment rights by allowing the State Department to designate groups for purely political reasons. Such political opponents of the State Department would then be unable to raise funds from …

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US Likely to Use Rajavi Again

This move by US, coincident with Saddam execution, and regarding wide range cooperation between the MKO and former Baathist regime of Iraq in suppressing Kurds and Shiites in 1991, has received harsh criticism by Iraqi political groups.

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MEK , USA ;Strange Bedfellows

The MEK, however, has a big handicap: The U.S. government says it’s a terrorist organization. Officials cite its role in the murder of Americans in the 1970s and subsequent terror attacks that killed hundreds of Iranians. Another big blemish is the group’s long collaboration with Saddam Hussein. On top of all that, former members describe the MEK as a personality cult obsessed with celibacy and martyrdom.

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The Defenders of Violence and Terror

Whenever confronting an obstacle in its antagonistic campaign against the presence of Iranian authorities and individuals in a country where its political activities is banned, MKO relay on supporters who enjoy a rather good social status. These supporters are mainly found among the parliamentarians who, for certain political and social reasons and even personal interests, consent to advocate an officially blacklisted terrorist, criminal group.

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MEK, The West and Iran

For years now I have shuddered every time a Western country has made contact with the MEK; whether it was their spokesperson Jafarzadeh, or with Maryam Rajavi, or some other low-life. Anxiety would fill every conscious hour of my day and even creep into my resting hours and torment me to think that Congress was working on taking these traitors off their Foreign Terrorist Organization list. How could Maryam Rajavi be allowed to live comfortably in a Paris suburb, this woman who is the leader of a terrorist cult?

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NCRI Did Not Discover Natanz

Part of the problem is that US intelligence sources didn’t want to say how they knew—and, thus, how much we knew—so the story that NCRI ratted out the Iranians persisted. This summer, though, I think the last piece of the puzzle appeared.In The One Percent Doctrine, Ron Suskind confirmed that US intelligence had flipped Urs Tinner —a member of the Khan network—in the 1990s and had allowed him to remain in place to identify Khan’s customers.

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A Shameful Support of pro-Saddam Faction

…in a recently published article World War W, discusses the ridiculous decisions flowing from the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rice administration to design, launch and wage World War W. The article further discusses that as the repercussions of a US attack on Iran could well be dire, they are trying a well-financed fifth column of support in Iran, the pro-Saddam faction of Mujaheddin-e-Khalq.

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Failure of Warmongers in Using the MKO

Warmongers discussed the issue of MKO with different parties and individuals in Iraq but there was no sign of cooperation with this group and the plans of Pentagon. Warmongers realized how hateful this group is. After this, they gave guidelines to the remnants of Rajavi to collect signatures and build fake parties as their supporters in Iraq in order to find a way out of crisis.

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Don’t Scuttle Chances for Negotiations

Announced by U.S. Newswire, over one hundred religious leaders, Christian, Muslim, and Jewish, will call on Congress on Tuesday 26 this week to urge Congress to assert its oversight function to prevent a preemptive attack on Iran. …The religious leaders specifically cite five causes for concern, the second of which points to the administration using the terrorist Mujahedeen-e Khalq …

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