Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

MKO Seeking to Provoke US to Attack Iran: Ex-CIA Officer

A former military intelligence officer with the CIA said MKO works closely with the Israeli spy agency Mossad, noting that the terror group is seeking to create a “false narrative” about Tehran’s nuclear program in a bid to provoke the US to attack Iran.“MKO (Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization, also known as MEK) works closely with the Israeli intelligence service Mossad and is also supported by many pro-Israel American former…….

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The anti-Iran bias

U.S. intelligence agencies have supported the acts of violence committed by the Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI — listed by the State Department as a terrorist group (now delisted) that advocates the overthrow of the Islamic Republic, as well as the Baluchi militant Salafi group Jundullah. An Iranian ethnic minority, Jundullah is a Sunni group aligned with the thinking of al-Qaeda …

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Deadly rhetoric: Saudi Arabia opens war of words with Iran

The US has traceable ties to some of these groups, notably Jundallah which received Bush-era funds from Washington before being listed as a terrorist organization. That “terrorist” designation, Iran knows, means little. The Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) was listed by the State Department for decades, but then de-listed in 2012 and is today being actively courted by US officials …

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McCain is using terrorist group MEK as his proxy war ally in the US covert war against Iran

Joachim Hagopian: John McCain has been caught regularly meeting with various terrorist groups for a number of years now. So this is really nothing new. The warmongering US traitor represents the military industrial complex and central bankers that both manufacture and profit most from war. McCain has proven to be a compromised politician owned and controlled by Israel through …

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MEK, the US’s proxy war ally!

Joachim Hagopian who is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer is also a regular contributor to Global Research, and In an interview with Balkans Post, he was asked about the meeting that former Arizona Senator John McCain had last month with the leader of the terrorist group Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ the Cult of Rajavi)…

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US Media and Iran’s MEK Terrorists Who Cried Wolf

The fact that the group [MKO/MEK/PMOI] was caught intentionally using a fake photograph against Iran in 2015, in addition to all of its terrorism and war crimes, should discredit its recent statements about Iran in the US media. However, despite their previous lies and horrendous record, certain US media outfits remain so biased and hostile to Iran, that they still repeat their claims. While no evidence exists that Iran has …

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McCain palling around with MKO terrorists

Weeks after Senator John McCains’s visit to the newly established base of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/MEK/PMOI) in Albania, the ripple effects still continue. McCain’s support for a cult-like group with a dark history of violence and terror causes a wave of reactions that do not seem to end soon….

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Mehrdad Khonsari: Dear Senator McCain!

Given the respect I have had for you over the years, I write not to condemn you but to ask you to consider your future actions more thoroughly. I am of no doubt that you did not receive sound advice in accepting the invitation advanced to you by Mrs. Rajavi, just as I am sure you would never accept an invitation by the KKK or ever contemplate labeling followers of the late ‘Reverend Jim Jones’ and fascists as proponents …

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MKO Terrorists Working in Collusion with CIA: US Commentator

Examining what the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) is, and is not, will assist in understanding claims made by the MEK/MKO/PMOI. Some observers have characterized the MEK/MKO/PMOI as a Leftist political organization, even a Marxist revolutionary group. Much could be written about how Leftist political ideology, and particularly Marxism, has come to have almost no meaning in modern usage. As Leftist politics applies to the MEK, such labeling …

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