Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

Mojahed Khalq Brother John Bolton has a memory lapse

Anti-Iran pundits have begun to resurrect the MEK as the go-to group for ‘nuclear revelations’. However, this has already backfired as the MEK are notorious for fabrication and lies. According to MEK/MKO/PMOI websites, John Bolton claimed that the MEK had “long known a lot about the inside of the nuclear weapons program in Iran,” and had “been right in every material respect.” Unfortunately he has either a short memory or no memory for facts …

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McCain does not help the MKO

The groups like MKO (aka Mojahedin Khalq of Iran) are never forgiven by Iranian people for their betrayal to the motherland and supporting Saddam Hossein during Iran-Iraq war. It is well known that the group consists of a bunch of older fanatics and a few younger robots. A long time ago they lost their respect and support. But can Senator John McCain help them to change their poor image?

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Should we be afraid of Senator McCain meeting with the Mojahedin Khalq in Albania?

information blackout on his meeting with the Mojahedin, throws a great deal of doubt on the US Senator’s visit to Albania. Another question is why Maryam Rajavi remains in our country at the same time that Congress met in Tirana. Why are the Mojahahedin’s activities met with a huge media silence? Has Maryam Rajavi made investments to earn status in our country or has the Albanian government given in to the Americans ,,,

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AIPAC Gave $60K to Architect of Trump’s Muslim Ban

Shortly after the group launched, my colleague Ali Gharib and I noticed that the group’s website featured two items promoting an exiled, ex-terrorist Iranian opposition group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) aka MKO/PMOI. CFNI even used b-roll footage from a press conference held by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which the State Department deemed the MEK’s …

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CIA Veteran examines the myth of regime change using MEK cult

Paul Pillar, a CIA academic and veteran explains how certain American think tanks, particularly in the Bush and Trump administrations are stuck in the “myth” of changing the Iranian government by supporting the Cult of Rajavi. His recent article on the National Interest titled “Evolution, Not a New Revolution, in Iran”, analyzes the futile efforts of the MKO sponsors for regime change:

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Nasty deals with MKO terrorists

This short statement of the article is enough to learn that the MKO?MEK/PMOI is a cult-like group with deceptive methods of fund raising and brainwashed members who set themselves on fire to protest against the arrest of their She-guru; it has assassinated some US citizens while it is donating large amounts of money to some other US citizens!A few cases of the MKO’s paid sponsors are discussed in ….

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