Mujahedin Khalq; A proxy force

Keeping Iran a bogeyman to further destabilise the region

There have, in fact, been no attacks by Iranians on US citizens in the US and only one in Iran itself.This took place in 1975, when two air force officers were killed en route to an air base. This was before the 1979 overthrow of Washington’s ally, the shah, by the Islamic Revolution.The family of Lt. Col. Jack Turner, one of the victims, filed a lawsuit, arguing his death was in revenge for the killing by the shah’s intelligence agency, Savak, which was supported by the US and Israel, of nine anti-shah elements fleeing arrest. The commander and members of this group, the Mujahedin e-Khalq …

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Trump’s picks for key posts paid by anti-Iran MKO

Elaine Chao, confirmed this week as the Cabinet’s transportation secretary, received $50,000 in 2015 for a five-minute speech to the political wing of the MKO/MEK/PMOI.Chao, the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, spoke before an MKO conference in 2015 in the French capital, Paris…

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Trump cautioned against designating Iran’s IRGC as terrorist organization

…some officials from the Trump administration have received money from the anti-Iran Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) to deliver speeches in support of the terrorist group.Trump’s transportation secretary, Elaine Chao, received $50,000 in 2015 for a five-minute speech to the political wing of the MKO/MEK/PMOI, which has carried out numerous terrorist attacks against Iranian civilians and government officials over the past three decades…

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Once More “Backing the Winning Horse” Doesn’t Work for the MKO

The new US administration under Donald Trump seem to be the ideal “Imperialism” for the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ Cult of Rajavi). The recent belligerent steps of President Trump and his republican colleagues have been warmly welcome by the group. This “confrontation” cheers up the MKO propaganda websites because it is replaced by what they call….

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Trump-Rajavi manifest: My business is violence

The MKO/MEK/PMOI has for years cultivated prominent former US officials to advocate on its behalf and help it project an image as an alternative to the Islamic Republic, which it says it wants to replace with “a secular democratic republic”. However, a large number of western journalists and scholars and politicians have repeatedly warned about the group …

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Trump’s Immigration Ban Undermined by Failed Logistics

..Giuliani attended the 2012 Paris rally of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, or MEK, an Iranian dissident group that was on the U.S. State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations. The MEK/MKO/PMOI and the Islamic State share a common sponsor — Saudi Arabia. In 2007, the Associated Press reported that Saudi Arabia was one of”Giuliani’s law and lobbying clients…”Is that why they were not targeted?…

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Trump threatens N-deal

For those who do not know much about the MEK/MKO/PMOI, let me assure you it is one of the most discredited exile groups – nowadays more a religious cult, with practices similar to the Moonies (in recent years we have seen enforced mass divorce, enforced mass remarriage, worship of the married couple who are the cult’s leaders, a switch from supporting …

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