Mujahedin Khalq ‘s Terrorism

Child rescued from the hands of a terrorist group

A report was made by Focus Grant, a national paper, from the court of appeal in the Netherlands on 14 December 2006. In parts we read:
…the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation is known as a terrorist organisation almost globally.In 2002, a court in the Netherlands condemned Mr. Khorami to two years imprisonment for refusing to hand over his own child to governmental agencies.

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Judges of the Court of First Instance

And: “that it [MKO] has expressly renounced all military activity since June 2001”. The Mojahedin Khalq and its leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi have never at any time announced that the MKO has renounced violence. It has been revealed, however, that a statement indicating that it had renounced violence had been made privately by the MKO to the Court through its lawyers. The Court of First Instance apparently took this statement at face value.

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Court decision leaves victims trapped in destructive Rajavi cult

According to various foreign office officials, the Mojahedin-e Khalq organisation (MKO) remains on Europe-wide terror lists. But the judgement has seriously undermined humanitarian efforts to help victims of the MKO, which is acknowledged by experts to be a destructive cult. Basic flaws in the basis for the judgement has left it open to misinterpretation and misuse by the opportunist Mojahedin-e Khalq, also known as the Rajavi cult. Critics say the Court ruling was politically motivated.

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Nejat Society Letter to The Court of First Instance

Several members of MKO have left their families and relatives many years ago to join the MKO ranks with the hope of bringing prosperity and welfare to the Iranians. But on the contrary they were themselves caught up with a dreadful cult that managed to control their minds and lives all together through the years in the boundaries of Ashraf Camp in Iraq.

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Coalition of Zionists, Wahabis and Baathists

The role of mercenaries of Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist organization also should be considered. This treacherous group, ready to sell itself, is angry from Iraqis, Shiites and Kurds and works hard alongside Wahabis and Baathists to promote terrorism. This group is a tool in the hand of Mossad and America.

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MKO Admits Cooperation with Terrorists

Iraqi PM’s Security Advisor Shirvan Vaeli said in an interview with Al-Forat TV:”Mojahedin-e Khalq has made alliance with Al-Qaeda in Dyalah province; it’s conducting terrorist activities in this province.”Vaeli said he had documents proving the existence of link between the MKO and some MPs who try to ruin the government….

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A Humanitarian Negligence in Favor of Terrorists

He further elucidates facts about the terrorist nature of the group and the terrorist atrocities its members perpetrated in Iran and the Iraq under Saddam. The Iraqi-based PMOI is a terrorist organization that killed an American citizen in the 1970’s and helped Saddam to massacre the Kurds after the First Gulf War. If you think Al Qaeda or Hezbollah came up with the idea of suicide bombing you should know that PMOI pioneered suicide bombing in Iran in the early 80’s when they killed a number of Iranian senior officials as well as innocent people

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Maryam Rajavi wants to import terrorists to Norway

Realising that her terrorist base Camp Ashraf will be dismantled in a matter of months if not weeks, Rajavi’s mission is now to retain her most useful, loyal cult members by bringing them to the west. She has tasked some Norwegian MPs with abusing their country’s immigration system in order to import a group of terrorists into Norway and to grant them political asylum.

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Victims of Human Rights Abuses

According to MKO’s TV, INTV, Lord Corbett of Castle Vale in an interview reiterated that 330 British MPs and 160 members of the House of Lords emphasized the political refugee status of MKO in Iraq. The interview came after his addressing participants in the sit-in outside the UNHCR headquarters which has been going on for just over 100 days since August.

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