Mujahedin Khalq ‘s Terrorism

MKO and Armed Groups Destabilize Dyala

Iraqi General Hassan Shati pointed to clashes in Dyala province for getting the control of this province and said:”Some groups and individuals that try to affect the political process in Iraq have close ties with the Mojahedin-e Khalq organization. These people disrupt the order of Dyala and the police forces of the region struggle for their lives.”

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The Positive Force of Terrorism

According to Newswire, in a press briefing hosted by the ‘Colorado’s Iranian American Community’, a bi- partisan Congressional Caucus recognized the indispensable role of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) at Camp Ashraf in Iraq as a natural ally for Iraq’s anti-fundamentalist and democratic forces. Congressmen Bob Filner and Thomas Tancredo the Co-Chairs of …

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Playing with Blood Begins

Representatives of this terrorist group have repeatedly asked these organizations to find illegal political ways for the group’s staying in Iraq and obey US forces!In fact, they want these organizations to help the group keep dissident members, which is a very inhuman act.The meaning of Maryam Rajavi’s recent stance, backed by a number of mercenary lawyers, is that”the MKO will not submit to legal decisions for the expulsion of the group and that if any decision is made against them, each and every MKO member will be forced to set himself on fire or commit suicide.

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U.S. citizen found in Iraq charged with supporting terror group-MEK

A naturalized U.S. citizen from Iran who was found in Iraq was indicted on charges of providing support to a terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the current Iranian regime, federal prosecutors said. Zeinab Taleb-Jedi, 51, was indicted Friday by a federal grand jury in New York on one count of providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization.

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Revenge of the Jedi Bag Lady

Pay no mind to her swollen feet or malodorous haze. Two informers have sworn that our homeless Jedi was indeed a member of the leadership council of the Iranian resistance group People’s Mujahedeen, described by the Associated Press as a”heavily armed, Iraq-based terrorist organization.”Our queasy Jedi, the informers say, was”responsible for making leadership decisions for the organizations, including approving specific acts of terrorism.”No word yet on how an infirm homeless woman no bigger than a sixth grader managed to handle such demonic duties but we should never underestimate the craftiness of a terrorist

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A Revolutionary Diplomacy; the Costs and Achievements

Massoud Rajavi’s meeting with Iraq’s Foreign Minister, Tariq Aziz, on 9 January 1983 in France would develop into a strategic alliance entwining the destiny of both Mojahedi Khalq and Saddam together. The meeting opened a new chapter in Mojahedin’s history. The meeting was in fact the product of accepting defeat in urban guerrilla warfare favored by Mojahedin as an effective tactic. Although Mojahedin had anticipated that the meeting would bring about inevitable consequences,…

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