Mujahedin Khalq ‘s Terrorism

MKO and Resistance after Saddam

The people of Iran should have supported the MKO and its requests (as they supported Imam Khomeini) if the group was right; but this never happened.
MKO resorted to assassination and murder, which came from their ideology and thinking. The ideology is the same one that exists in other mafia groups. The MKO conducted unprecedented terrorist operation: bombing the shrine of Imam Reza

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Words bad! Bombs good!

These groups don’t care what Khatami says; they don’t want him to be heard
Former President Mohammad Khatami’s visit to the US has aroused serious anger among the neocons, the congress hawks and the AIPAC likudniks. Joining the circus is that aging army of Iranian “freedom fighters,” using their over-hyped 1970’s “expertise” to help America “understand” Iran in 2006. And no, I’m not just talking about the MEK.

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Mojahedin Members’ lawsuit

four Iranian brothers who were detained for 41 months during an FBI terrorism investigation after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks filed a lawsuit Monday in federal court, claiming they were held on false pretenses and were”casualties of the war on terror”. The brothers, Mohammed, Mostafa, Mohsen and Mojtaba Mirmehdi, were detained in October 2001 on the allegations that their names were on a list of people who attended a rally organized by National Council of Resistance

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Iranian exile group aims to build bridges

As tensions between the U.S. and Iran continue to mount, an Iranian exile group viewed here as a terrorist organization is lobbying to play a greater role in the struggle against Tehran…The Mujahedeen-e Khalq, or People’s Mujahedeen of Iran, was formally listed as a terrorist group by the State Department because of its attacks on American military personnel and Iranian officials. It fiercely opposed the Shah and his supporters during the 1970s and allied with former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in his 1980-88 war against Iran.

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The Operation Eternal Light, a Product of Hegemony

The ideological revolution, in fact, legitimized Rajavi’s perpetual hegemony that was deep rooted in the organization’ structure and which was invisibly practiced by its first charismatic leader Hanifnejad. Tinctured with sacredness, the pillars of hegemony would be stabilized and ended any further wrangling. The main core of Mojahedin’s ideological revolution was to solve the issue of leadership. It could put an end to a problem known to be the Achilles’ heel in most contemporary revolutions and movements

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MKO Provides Intelligence for Other Terrorists

This comment follows the statements of Iraqi PM, accusing the Iraqi-based Iranian opposition group of interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq.
In a press conference, Nuri al-Maliki announced that the MKO, which acts against Islamic Republic of Iran, is clearly and widely interfering in Iraq’s social and political affairs.

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Beware of the New Terrorist Conspiracy

The recent comments of a tribal leader from Dyalah province in an interview with an Iraqi satellite television asking Al-Maleki’s government to start investigating on the reasons and objectives of a meeting held in terrorist MKO’s Camp Ashraf with the assistance of US military commanders, military officers from former regime and with the participation of some group leaders sounds the alarm about such activities.

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MKO Trying to Divide Muslims in Iraq

In an interview with Al-Alam news channel, Al-Saadi said:”The elements of the MKO has played a very destructive role in Dyala province and has tried to foment problems for Muslims here.”
“In 90s, former regime used this group to massacre the Kurds in the north and Shiites in the south. After the former regime was toppled, they exploited the instability to boost their position in Iraq.”

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The Terrorists that Pretend Democracy

Many Iranian sympathizers of the MKO residing in Western countries are misguided by the group’s vast propaganda, demonstrating itself as the only vehicle to help establish democracy and freedom in Iran. Some opposing the current Iranian Government for their own reasons, voice support for a terrorist group,

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Mojahedin’s ideology of violence celebrated

Each orchestrated act of self-immolation – in which two Mojahedin members died – had been filmed in detail by the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Three years later, the crowd at the meeting in the British parliament watched the video film of these burning people and cheered and chanted in celebration of what normal people would find a horrifying act of violence.

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