Richard Armey

Mr. Armey! What are you expectations from Terrorist cult?

After that we witnessed the intensification of the war between Iraq and Iran and the desperate need of Saddam Hussein for the Mojahedin Khalq so that he gave them overt unlimited logistical and financial support. In reality you can say that the war was a God sent opportunity for the Mojahedin to reorganise themselves in Iraq and over time change themselves from an organisation with some support into a cult totally dependent on wars and crisis.

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Open Letter to Mr Richard K, Armey about MEK

We are especially shocked to hear that you and some U.S. Senators are offering their support to MEK in the hope of using them as the instrument of change in Iran . In doing so, you are being completely indifferent to the past history of this organization as a terrorist group with a long trail of violence and militant actions even against its own members…

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A letter from Mr. Mirasgari to Mr. Richard Armey

I would like to draw your attention to a point. As far as your profession in a law firm is concerned it is perfectly normal that you would try your best to achieve the goals of your client. But in pursuing this goal, you can also listen to the claims made and evidence produced by your client’s critics and in particular those who have directly experienced torture and maltreatment at the hands of this organisation.

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A letter from Mr. Sobhani to Mr. Richard Armey

I criticised what was apparent about the special relations between the organisation and Saddam Hussein, the ousted dictator of Iraq. I was imprisoned for a few months in solitary confinement inside Ashraf camp and over all spent about 8 years in different prisons. I was captured once when I tried to escape prison and reach the office of the UN in Baghdad in August 1999. This resulted in capture in a joint operation involving Mojahedin and secret services of Iraq and I ended up again in solitary confinement.

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Nejat Society letter to Mr Richard K. Armey

to require your consideration on a matter concerning your latest involvement in the US foreign policy towards Iran. Initially it is worth mentioning that Nejat Society consists of those defected members of Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO) who have managed to rescue themselves from the boundaries of the Organisation, and find themselves obliged to strive to help and rescue the members who are still mentally or even physically captive inside the Organisation.

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‘Mr Armey, do not let terrorists use you as a cover’

Mr. Khodabandeh is a former member of the religious cult Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation, and is currently a human rights activist in the UK who has explained in his letter very briefly, the terrorist nature of Mojahedin cult and its past and current activities. I would like to let you know that I, as a former long serving member of this cult agree with every part of his letter.

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Mojahedin ‘Information Laundering’

The weekly Persian periodical “Mojahed”, the official organ of MKO, has reported on your role as the key figure in a three day symposium held in US Congress under the title “Iran: foreign policy challenges, solutions and democratic opposition” (Mojahed, No 823, Monday, Nov 20, 2006). The article states that you delivered a 250 page report in that meeting.

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